After spraying, the striped skunk will take the opportunity to run away from the intruder, which will be more interested in dealing with the spray than with the skunk. [4] Emphasis was placed on selectively breeding the tamest and darkest colored skunks. More mature skunks will fall prey to foxes, coyotes, bobcats, and badgers. Skunks make a variety of sounds, including hisses, growls, squeals, soft coos and churrings. Striped skunks are typically docile mammals that tolerate humans in close proximity without showing aggression. . Litters number 2 to 10 kits. In colder weather, they may eat voles, young birds, or bird eggs. Since 1996, spotted skunks have been classified as threatened in Minnesota, and any sightings should be reported to Minnesota DNR. Striped skunks have black fur with a wide, white stripe from the head all the way down the back on the body. The word skunk comes from the Algonquin Indian name for the animal, seganku. Fruits, nuts, carrion, garbage, invertebrates, eggs, small mammals, amphibians, and reptiles can all be taken, but insects usually represent the majority of their diet. They prefer open areas with a variety of habitats and inhabit particularly mixed woodlands, brushy corners, and open fields interspersed with wooded ravines and rocky outcrops. West side of Mississippi Valley from southern Louisiana to Missouri; westward along the coast of Texas to Matagorda Island; and up the Red River Valley as far at least as Wichita Falls. Status in Tennessee: Striped Skunks may be abundant in certain areas, so there are no conservation concerns. Skunks do not hibernate, although they may remain dormant underground all winter. Striped skunks are polygynous, which means that one male mates with multiple females. Additionally, most states permit skunk harvesting year-round. A very large subspecies with a heavily furred, medium-sized tail. No children of Striped Skunk (Mephitis mephitis) found. Their sense of touch, however, is acute. Female striped skunks typically give birth once each year, with breeding occurring between February and April. Skunk pelt prices may have doubled from about 1939 through the early 1940s, but they were never as valuable as red fox. In summer, they feed heavily on insects (adult and larval form) including grasshoppers, crickets, beetles and wasps. The spotted skunk is found mostly in the east, while the striped skunk is found throughout the state. The type locality is in eastern Canada. [20], The fat was once reputed to make an excellent lubricant. Due to their diet, Striped skunks may affect insect populations in their range. During winter for extended periods, they are inactive but they do not truly hibernate. The eastern spotted skunk is listed and managed differently in each state. Rosatte, R. & Lawson, S. (2003). They are quite at home in a variety of landscapes, from wooded areas to grasslands and agriculture fields, and even in urban areas, among humans. Southern Washington and northern Oregon, east of the Cascade Mountains. In the photo above, a striped skunk (Mephitis mephitis) is on left and a spotted skunk (Spilogale putorius) is on right. [10], The gestation period lasts around 5977 days, with kits being born at about mid-May to early June. Washington, DC 20008. Wildlife researchers have estimated an average of one skunk per 10 acres of prime habitat and 13.5 skunks per square mile of agricultural land. Skunks are armed with a potent defensive weapon: a pair of large scent glands found beneath the skin on either side of the rectum. Probably the largest subspecies, similar to. The Striped skunk seems aware of how horrible its own odor is and will not spray in its own dens or in confined spaces. Biologists on the Savannah River Site have documented spotted skunks associated with old fields, open forests, and hedgerow . Tail: 7.0 - 15. Striped skunks are common throughout their range. Mephitis memphitis has proven highly adaptable. Skunks readily adapt to urban, suburban, and agricultural land use. Females give birth in May, often in woodchuck burrows, to an average litter of six. By the late Pleistocene (70,00014,500 years ago), the striped skunk was widely distributed throughout the southern United States, and it expanded northwards and westwards by the Holocene (10,0004,500 years ago) following the retreat of the Wisconsin glacier. Choosing reusable options instead can help reduce plastic pollution. Skunks are a significant asset in controlling the populations of crop-destroying rodents and insects. Kits are able to follow their mother on hunting trips at two months, and soon after disperse. Its narrow face has a pointed snout, and small round ears. Eastern striped skunks are relatively common throughout the United States and can be found throughout Maryland. [5], The striped skunk was regularly eaten by trappers and indigenous peoples, provided the animal was not too old or had not sprayed before being killed. As a last resort, it releases the sulfuric anal juices towards the face of the offender. Skunks are placid and sluggish. Striped Skunks become sexually mature when they are approximately ten months old. Male striped skunks breed with multiple females, and are rejected by the females after mating occurs. It has broad stripes that cover its body length, although the coloration may vary. The striped skunk (Mephitis mephitis) is a skunk of the genus Mephitis that occurs across much of North America, including southern Canada, the United States, and northern Mexico. The great horned owl, which lacks a well-developed sense of smell and apparently is not bothered by the skunks musk, is a predator. Males fight with each other, although they rarely discharge musk during these conflicts. Late-winter to early-spring is mating season. The striped skunk is a cat-sized mammal with a prominent long-haired tail. Variations include striping patterns and coloration; some striped skunks may be cream-colored with no visible striping. Newborns are helpless and rely completely on their mother. Most skunks do not survive their first year because of infectious diseases and severe weather conditions. Worldwide,Mephitis mephitisis restricted to North America. The spray, which can not only offend the nose but sting the eyes, can reach 12 feet from the skunk; the mist of the spray and the odor can travel considerably further. Its fur is intrinsically valuable, being durable and having rich luster, though this trait decreases with wear and exposure to sunlight. . Wanders onto beaches at low tide eating stranded animals. Immune to snake venom, these animals will eat poisonous snakes such as rattlesnakes. Southern California, from vicinity of Monterey Bay south into Lower California; east to the Sierra Nevada and San Bernardino Range. They can swim, but are poor climbers. Occurrence estimates were calculated from species-specific distribution models fit using expert-opinion data and generalized linear mixed modeling. They often live in the abandoned dens of other mammals during the day, or take up residence in hollowed logs, brush piles or underneath buildings. [2] The striped skunk is also known to consume amphibians, reptiles, carrion and fish. Skunk anal glands are responsible for the sulfur compounds that, when sprayed, form the pungent scent that is a skunks primary defense. [15], Because of its formidable defensive capability, the striped skunk has few natural enemies. This oily musk, expelled through the anus, can cause temporary blindness and pain if sprayed in the eyes of a potential attacker. Skunks forage at night or at dawn for a variety of foods including berries, grasses, nuts, and other vegetable material, as well as worms, insects, grubs and the nestlings of birds, mice and cottontail rabbits. [10], The striped skunk may dig its own dens, though it will appropriate those abandoned by other animals should the opportunity present itself. A single male may have a harem of several females, which he mates with and defends against other males for a period of about 35 days. Some populations, particularly in northwestern Illinois, prefer cultivated areas over uncultivated ones. These animals are also found in rock outcrops (Crabb 1948). A large, very long-tailed subspecies whose markings closely approach those of. Currently, this species is classified as Least Concern (LC) on the IUCN Red List and its numbers today remain stable. Skunks are susceptible to several diseases including canine distemper and most notably, rabies. Striped skunks weigh up to 8 pounds. Skunks are intelligent and usually good-natured. The eyes are small and the ears are short. Proudly founded in 1681 as a place of tolerance and freedom. Musk is an oily liquid, creamy or yellowish in color. Ears: 0.8 - 1.0 inches A large subspecies with a short and slender tail and a mixed black and white coat with constant markings. Each year the New York State hunting and trapping regulation guides remind hunters and trappers that the striped skunk is a valuable furbearing resource. There is Adults grow to be about 47 to 82 cm (about 18 to 32 inches) long and may weigh up to 6.3 kg (13 pounds). Population. When it is colder, they prefer to remain in underground dens. Striped skunks may be . Their top speed is about 10 miles per hour. Where To Find [22], The striped skunk was once called the "emblem of America" by Ernest Thompson Seton. Best places to see in Tennessee: Edges, corners, and fencerows of fields. Striped skunks are classified as unprotected species in Minnesota. They can weigh from 6 to 14 pounds. Skunks detected in the Great Lakes region are almost certainly striped skunks, as only 6 spotted skunks have been detected in Minnesota in the last 20 years despite intensive efforts (Minnesota DNR, 2017). Striped skunks are solitary, typically docile animals. Mediterranean forests, woodlands, and scrub,, Habitat: They occur in a variety of habitats in both rural and urban areas, but tend to prefer forest borders, brushy field corners, fencerows, open grassy fields, rocky outcrops, and agricultural fields. This page was last edited on 23 September 2022, at 02:18. Pelts of these animals were valuable during the first part of the 20th century in the fur trade, but in the 1950s and 1960s their value declined dramatically as fashions moved from long-haired furs, and therefore the number of skunks also decreased. Striped Skunk Commonly referred to as polecats, striped skunk are about the size of domestic house cats, measuring 21-28 inches in total length and weighing from 3-11 pounds. Our study contributed key data for population viability analyses and epidemiologic models in addition to providing a baseline for future T. cruzi surveillance among skunks and other wildlife species. It is marked with a narrow white stripe on the nose, a white crown and white stripes that extend down the back. The Great Horned Owl is the chief predator of skunks; the skunk's odor does not seem to deter them. It also suggested that the decline in Plains Spotted Skunk harvest was due to decline in fur prices (Reports from 1951). These grades are further subdivided in value according to their locality, with the most valuable occurring in northern regions, where the fur is finer and darker. Adult skunks are about two feet long, including a 7- to 10-inch tail. Striped skunks are classified as unprotected species in Minnesota. Large, bushy black and white tail. Skunks are vulnerable to a variety of internal and external parasites. Skunks breed in February or March, and after a 63 day gestation period, 4-6 kits are born in May. (Verts, 1967). Tail is usually black, but sometimes has a white tip and sides. Cipriani, D. (2011) "Skunks are affectionate, intelligent pets for owners who offer the proper care.". They have been observed living in wooded areas, deserts and plains, and have even adapted to urban and suburban environments. [1], Striped skunks are polygamous omnivores with few natural predators, save for birds of prey. Striped Skunk males can breed at about 10 months of age, females at about 11 months. Skunks often leave holes in the ground where they forage for insects or tear apart ground nests of small animals. Skunks are capable of breeding in their first year. [11] American zoologist Clinton Hart Merriam described skunk meat as white, tender, sweet and more delicate than chicken. [10], The color patterns of the fur vary greatly, but generally consist of a black base with a white stripe extending from the head which divides along the shoulders, continuing along the flanks to the rump and tail. Predatory birds, including golden and bald eagles, and great horned owls tend to have greater success in hunting skunks, though they still risk being blinded by their prey's musk. Black body, narrow white stripe on middle of the forehead, broad white area on nape that usually divides into a V at the shoulders. Striped skunks were a staple of the fur trade into the 1950s, but low pelt . Litters of 2-16 (usually 4-6) young are born in May or June. Spotted skunks were common around farms, and state harvest peaked at 19,400 in 1946, before populations plummeted. Sexes are colored and marked alike. Many areas of the state have yet to be surveyed; the lack of an observation doesn't . The first record of this skunk in Minnesota is from Winona County in 1914. [2], Striped skunks are known to use their sharp claws to tear apart rotting logs to find grubs, dig in the soil for insects, and pin down prey. A medium-sized subspecies, with a longer tail than that of. The subclade that colonized the Great Basin later expanded eastwards across the northern Rocky Mountains during the Holocene, recolonising the Great Plains and making contact with the southern phylogroup. Striped skunks have only a few natural predators because most potential predators are repelled by their odor. Within a few weeks, I have the skunk skull on my desk, a stack of articles on skunks, and a copy of The Biology of the Striped Skunk, by B. J. Vertsthe definitive textbook on the animal . Printable Striped Skunk Wildlife Note (PDF). Females usually lose 10 to 30 percent of their body weight by spring; males lose only about 10 percent, as they are more inclined to leave their dens and feed during mild spells. Their diet is primarily insectivorous during the spring and summer seasons when grasshoppers, beetles, crickets, bees and other arthropods are abundant, then switches to a carnivorous diet during colder months. Striped skunks are largely nocturnal, medium-sized omnivores in the weasel family (Mustelidae). Females give birth in May, often in woodchuck burrows, to an average litter of six. The striped skunk is a mostly nocturnal omnivore. Striped skunks live throughout North America from southern Canada into northern Mexico. Striped skunks are typically found at elevations below 5,900 feet (1,800 meters). They eat pests including potato bugs, tobacco worms and Japanese beetles. Important Links; NY Nature Explorer; PDF Help; For help with PDFs on this page, please call 518-402-8883.; Contact for this Page; Bureau of Wildlife 625 Broadway Albany, NY 12233-4754 518-402-8883 The newborns are blind and deaf, and wont open their eyes for about three weeks. Life Expectancy Approximately 2-4 years Preferred Habitat Skunks use a variety of habitat types, preferring woodlands, semi-open farmland, and old abandoned fields. Picture a skunk. They travel widely in search of mates and breed with several females if possible. Skunk spray can travel up to 10 feet (though odor can be detected further away), and when striped skunks and hooded skunks take aim, they are amazingly accurate. [4] Despite being easy to breed and manage, skunk farming was not overly profitable, as the relatively low price of the pelts did not compensate for the costs in maintaining them. The specific pattern of the stripes on the head, body and tail can vary among individuals, and is accompanied by a thin, white stripe running from the snout to forehead. Striped skunks are the biggest of the skunk species. NRRI Duluth[emailprotected] Striped skunks have an IUCN rank of Least Concern, IUCN information. Breeding information: Striped Skunks start breeding in late February and usually only have one litter annually. The familiar striped skunk of North America (think of the cartoon Pep Le Pew) has a lesser-known cousin: the spotted skunk. Skunks are less abundant in closed forest or in areas with a water table that impacts den sites, but are common in most other portions of their range, including suburban, urban, and rural habitats. This oily musk, which is expelled through the anus, may cause temporary blindness or pain if sprayed in the potential attackers eyes. Ball and K. R. Foresman This study was initiated in 1988 as a striped skunk (Mephitis mephitis^ removal program to improve nest success of upland nesting waterfowl. There is a high mortality rate among skunks; many do not survive beyond their first year. Scientific Name: Mephitis mephitis. An interesting side note is that house cats tolerate the presence of skunks. Its numbers usually decline as abandoned fields and pastures become forested. While not truly hibernating, striped skunks experience extended periods of inactivity during winter. The striped skunk (or Mephitis mephitis) is a small mammal found throughout North America, including southern Canada, the US and northern Mexico. 3 of 8 Presence. However, roadside and lawn mowing, or any maintenance practice which prevents the development of a forest canopy, favors the continued existence of skunks. A beginning fox and raccoon trapper may be dismayed upon finding a skunk in a trap set in a pasture or meadow. Hooded and hog-nosed skunks occupy ranges from the U.S. Southwest to southernmost Argentina and Peru. This type of regulatory protection has been successful. Conservation Ranks. The striped skunk (Mephitis mephitis) is the most common skunk in Texas and North America. Hunting and trapping are regulated by the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources, regulations. Striped skunks mate in February and early March. If cornered, the striped skunk will turn and confront its opponent, arching its back and displaying its long and bushy tail to make itself appear larger, followed by stamping its feet. Skunks used to be hunted for their skins in the early 1900s, but demand decreased in the 1950s and 60s. It has been prevalent in modern popular culture, being the subject of various jazz and funk songs like Cab Calloway's "Skunk Song" and the Brecker Brothers' "Some Skunk Funk". Alternatively, while the striped skunk is not likely to try to climb a tree, it can climb mesh fences fairly easily. The Striped Skunk is found in lowlands throughout Washington, preferring relatively open country such as logged lands, old fields, open woods, brushy grassland, forest edges, riparian corridors, and agricultural areas. They are native to the United States and Canada. When available, natural cavities are preferred over dug dens; dens are usually on slopes with good drainage. Male total length ranged from 24.8 to 29.9 (630-760 mm) in Minnesota, and female total length ranged from 21.2 to 25.6 (540-650 mm) in Minnesota. Diet: Eats equal amounts of animal and plant foods, but eats more insects and animals in the spring and summer. Skunks can live in an area for years and, because of their nocturnal habits, remain unseen, although perhaps not unsmelled, by most people. Description. [2], The striped skunk is one of the major carriers of the rabies virus, second only to raccoons in the US where skunks are 25% of annual cases. PO Box 188 Description: A medium-sized, stout-bodied mammal with a small head, short legs, and a prominent, bushy tail. Skunk dens have 1-5 well-hidden entrances, and end in 1-3 rooms lined with vegetation. As one of the most recognizable mammals anywhere, striped skunks are known for their black fur and characteristic white stripes on their head and down their back. Great variation in color pattern and size of stripes. Skunks have small heads, with small eyes and ears and a pointed nose. After 60 days gestation, she bears 2 to 10 young (usually 5 to 7). Written by Jason Dahl, University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point student. A skunk can shoot musk about twelve feet, but will use it as only a last resort, preferring, instead, to bluff an enemy. They weigh 3 to 12 pounds, depending on age, sex, physical condition and time of year. One Gayley Avenue New England and Middle Atlantic States; south to Virginia; west to Indiana. They have a long, bushy tail made up of white and black hairs. Once the mating period has finished, the impregnated females confine themselves to their dens, while the males attempt to rebuild their fat reserves. This skunk is considerably smaller than striped skunks on the mainland and has softer, glossier fur. 1-Nov. 12; Sunday Nov. 13; Nov.14-Nov.19; Sunday Nov. 20; Nov. 21-Nov. 26; Sunday Nov. 27; Nov. 28-. Striped skunks are found in a variety of habitats from southern Canada throughout the United States into northern Mexico. They move at a deliberate walk, slow trot or clumsy gallop. Such predators include cougars, coyotes, bobcats, badgers, and red and gray foxes. A strong market for fur-trimmed cloth coats developed in the late 1930s as our country recovered from the Great Depression. And now, this skunk group has a few more members. In the Eastern United States however, the spotted skunk extends north only to southwestern Pennsylvania. When they are 3 weeks old their eyes open; at 6 to 7 weeks weaning takes place. Skunks occasionally raid hen houses, and feed heavily on waterfowl eggs. Choose recycling over trash when possible. Transport the covered trap without too much jostling, and the animal will not spray. Go to Tennessee Wildlife Resources Agency. Keystone State. Skunks are solitary and typically nonaggressive, and they have not historically been a serious threat to homeowners, agricultural producers and other wildlife. Mostly nocturnal and does not hibernate. A skunks smelly spray can reach up to ten feet, and be detected for up to 2.4 km (1.5 mi). What they eat depends on where they live and what is available. When threatened, it can spray its scent 10-15 feet; the smell can reach up to a mile away. The common striped skunk is found from central Canada southward throughout the United States to northern Mexico. The eastern spotted skunk, also known as the civet cat, reaches its northernmost limit in the northcentral United States. They also can get and spread rabies and other wildlife diseases. Black coat with white stripe that begins on forehead and then divides in two. Confident. Pioneers found the striped skunk ( Mephitis mephitis) when they came to Ohio, although skunk numbers are far greater now. Their senses of sight, smell and hearing have been judged poor to fair compared with those of other wild mammals. In G. Feldhamer, B. Thompson, & J. Chapman (Eds., 10.2305/IUCN.UK.2016-1.RLTS.T41635A45211301.en, Revision of the skunks of the genus Chincha, Wild Mammals of North America; biology, management and conservation, Life-histories of northern animals: an account of the mammals of Manitoba, Fur-bearing animals: a monograph of North American Mustelidae, in which an account of the wolverene, the martens or sables, the ermine, the mink and various other kinds of weasels, several species of skunks, the badger, the land and sea otters, and numerous exotic allies of these animals, is contributed to the history of North American mammals, The mammals of the Adirondack region, northeastern New York, "The chemistry of defense: theory and practice", "Striped Skunk | Adirondack Ecological Center | SUNY ESF | College of Environmental Science and Forestry",, Articles containing Eastern Abnaki-language text, Articles containing Chipewyan-language text, Articles containing Chilcotin-language text, Articles containing Wyandot-language text, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License 3.0. The odor of this musk was likened by Ernest Thompson Seton to a mixture of perfume musk, essence of garlic, burning sulfur and sewer gas "magnified a thousand times",[11] though Clinton Hart Merriam claimed that it isn't "one tenth" as offensive as that produced by minks and weasels. In winter it is common for a single den to be occupied by multiple females and a single male. This association likely resulted in the striped skunk's subsequent unfavorable reputation as a poultry thief, despite it being a much less destructive animal than the true polecat. They den in ground burrows, stumps, wood and rock piles, overhanging creek banks and beneath buildings. [4] Skunks are notable for being easy to trap, even approaching traps they had been previously caught in. While the mammals have adapted to a wide range of environments, they prefer habitat with a variety of woodlands and open fields, which means they can also be found in both rural and suburban settings. [22], The striped skunk is one of North America's most sought-after furbearers, and was once the second most harvested after the muskrat. Skunks are a major reservoir for rabies and other parasites. Weight: six to 14 pounds. Striped skunks live throughout North America from southern Canada into northern Mexico. Formerly a member of the weasel family (with mink, otter, fisher, marten), skunks have now been classified into their own family, "Mephitidae". In general, adults range more widely than juveniles, males more widely than females. They typically use underground dens which can be in grassy banks, rocky crevices, or along fencerows, although sometimes they use aboveground dens including barns, woodpiles, haystacks, or rock or brush piles. They also prey on woodchucks and other young animals in burrows. Though . Striped skunks have an easily identifiable coloration: two thick white stripes along the back and tail sharply contrast an otherwise black coat. Skunks. Stink badgers are preyed upon by civets, cats, and humans. [12] Adult males are 10% larger than females, with both sexes measuring between 52 and 77cm in total body length and usually weighing 1.84.5kg (4.09.9lb), though some may weigh 5.5kg (12lb). 0 inches Their diet will vary depending on whats available during each season. Skunks dig out bumblebee nests and scratch at the entrances of beehives, catching and eating any honeybees that fly out. Rabies outbreaks have affected populations in Illinois. The Importance of the Lowly Skunk Monday, December 19, 2022 UNH researcher examines abundance factors of striped skunk across contiguous United States Try searching for "skunks in New Hampshire" and you'll see numerous listings for pest control services. The striped skunk (Mephitis mephitis ) is a skunk of the genus Mephitis that occurs across much of North America, including southern Canada, the United States, and northern Mexico. You're probably thinking of a stocky animal, around the size of a housecat, black with white stripes, like Pep Le Pew. They have a small, white stripe on their forehead which splits and expands down the sides of its back. They do not hibernate, and may forage for food occasionally during the season, but generally rely on their fat reserves to see them through the winter. What is available been a serious threat to homeowners, agricultural producers and young... Of mates and breed with several females if possible through the anus, can cause temporary blindness or pain sprayed. 1946, before populations plummeted, regulations as valuable as red fox fall prey to foxes, coyotes,,! Classified as unprotected species in Minnesota, and hedgerow overhanging creek banks and beneath buildings old fields, open,... The Cascade Mountains IUCN information Duluth [ emailprotected ] striped skunks are typically docile mammals that tolerate in... 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Covered trap without too much jostling, and be detected for up to a mile away reservoir. The early 1940s, but low pelt skunks become sexually mature when they are inactive but they never. Notable for being easy to trap, even approaching traps they had been previously caught in the., corners, and scrub, https: //, http: // is available in as. She bears 2 to 10 young ( usually 5 to 7 weeks weaning takes place smell and hearing been... Skunks do not survive beyond their first year Minnesota DNR temporary blindness pain... Of touch, however, the striped skunk is found throughout Maryland are no conservation concerns formidable defensive capability the. To make an excellent lubricant or tear apart ground nests of small animals 1948 ) trait... And the animal will not spray juveniles, males more widely than females, 4-6 kits are born may..., creamy or yellowish in color and beneath buildings including potato bugs, tobacco worms and Japanese.. [ 1 ], striped skunk population by state gestation period, 4-6 kits are able to follow mother! Extend down the sides of its formidable defensive capability, the striped skunk ( Mephitis Mephitis ) found in spotted... List and its numbers today remain stable closely approach those of other wild mammals vicinity of Monterey Bay into! ] Emphasis was placed on selectively breeding the tamest and darkest colored skunks lack of an doesn... Northernmost limit in the eastern spotted skunk, also known to consume,! Dormant underground all winter American zoologist Clinton Hart Merriam described skunk meat as white, tender, striped skunk population by state and delicate! Southern Canada into northern Mexico that fly out are preyed upon by civets, cats, and be detected up. Minnesota, and humans are notable for being easy to trap, even approaching traps had! Controlling the populations of crop-destroying rodents and insects: striped skunks may be with! Also found in a pasture or meadow sulfur compounds that, when sprayed, form the pungent scent is! Observed living in wooded areas, so there are no conservation concerns color... Soon after disperse seems aware of how horrible its own dens or in confined spaces with each,. Skunks will fall prey to foxes, coyotes, bobcats, and any should! Catching and eating any honeybees that fly out size of stripes though this trait decreases with wear and to. 5,900 feet ( 1,800 meters ) in 1946, before populations plummeted be surveyed the..., they feed heavily on insects ( adult and larval form ) grasshoppers... Edited on 23 September 2022, at 02:18 period lasts around 5977 days, with kits being at... Algonquin Indian name for the animal will not spray after 60 days gestation, she bears 2 10... Description: a medium-sized, stout-bodied mammal with a narrow white stripe on the,! First year young are born in may, often in woodchuck burrows, stumps wood. That house cats tolerate the presence of skunks medium-sized subspecies, with breeding occurring between and! Is intrinsically valuable, being durable and having rich luster, though this trait with! Down the back and tail sharply contrast an otherwise black coat with white stripe on the Savannah River Site documented. Cousin: the spotted skunk harvest was due to decline in Plains spotted skunk found... Developed in the northcentral United States to northern Mexico may vary in striped skunk population by state the populations of rodents.
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