It was warm and tingly against his skin. So were you.. Its absurd. Youre early for class. you. It wasnt a question. Spocks face is flushed green, his eyes dark and penetrating, his features an emblem of safety and serenity that Kirk can never erase. After the destruction of Vulcan, vulcans become the hot new commodity in the universe. Ive seen posts saying that these books exist, but Im having trouble sifting through the countless Star Trek novels to find them. Jim doesnt believe in no-win scenarios. Though jumping right int the story has earned my interest though not that much. Three things Leonard knows he's good at: practicing medicine, handling children, singing the classics. You think that happened? A part of Kirk crumbles. The Balance of Things Jim has a half-Vulcan child and Spock slowly falls in love with both of them. It hits The first chapter involves Jim waking up in a Vulcan hospital and freaking out because he's certain that he's still being held captive by Nero and the other Romulan villains. This is a tale of Kirk and Spock. These are the voyages of the starship USS And Another Note, a ship that, unbeknownst to the vast majority of her crew, has been stolen by the horrifically unqualified Captain Emily Claus. Jim. The Almodian flu is highly contagious and only supposed to last 48 hours. Glad we could help each other :). But for Jim, still broken from the events of Tarsus IV, David was just what he needed to pull him out of his rut. They are children too. Blinking, Kirks gaze focuses. Is this going to be an ongoing problem?, Because if you believe you can pass this course without a maximum level of focus, you will not last long in Starfleet Academy.. of Kirk Prime and McCoy Prime. His mother was human, after all. Still, hes young and resilient, and the stars call to him. Characters: James T. Kirk, Spock (Star Trek), Leonard "Bones" McCoy, Sarek (Star Trek), Nyota Uhura, Montgomery "Scotty" Scott, Hikaru Sulu, Pavel Chekov, Saavik (Star Trek) . But he refuses to leave his son- his whole world- behind. Spocks brow furrows in confusion for a moment, before recognition clicks behind his gaze. I dont own any of these characters except Kali :D i hope you enjoy this story. In Now stranded aeons away from the nearest beam-point, they must somehow make it back to the Enterprise, before the ship leaves them behind (which wont happen, because Spock wont let it, but they dont know that). to the ground. 2) The planet's children are kidnapped, and Jim goes to rescue them, and discovers a Vulcan child. Work Search: His Vulcan knows him too well, has memorized his patterns of behavior so thoroughly that any anomaly sticks out. Spock Takes place after 'City on the Edge of Forever'; a dying Captain Kirk is brought to the planet Vulcan where he is healed by a young woman with secrets of her own. Tags: character:jimkirk, genre:slash, theme:daddy!jim Subscribe Recent Posts from This Community He tugged a fresh black How many times does he have to be rebuffed before he gets the message? I dont have days., If youre implying you wont survive Sorry that you just won gold, again? He sees the moment Spock feels his longing through his skin. Couple's counseling sty Spock is a half Vulcan-half human entering his third year at the star fleet academy. If you check my aptitude tests, youll see I have no trouble focusing, sir., I have already read your file while you were occupied not paying attention to the lecture. Im Jim. His name on Spocks lips is so shocking that Kirk freezes, a shiver shooting up his spine. they will drive you to the airport and then you will make them soup when they're sick. Thanks for both recs XD, Awesome and there are some on that rec list that I haven't read so its a win win XD Thanks for pointing it out <3, haha I just clicked here to read the fics recced in this post and saw the pingback post to my list! Captain Kirk enlists the help of his husband, Spock, in tackling one of their greatest challenges yet: cleaning out the closet! Sorry for what? Spock, a warrior of his clan, was very fortunate to have one for a mate and was very eager to show his appreciation tip: buffy gen teen AND "no archive warnings apply", Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Major Character Death, Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings (5), Star Trek: Alternate Original Series (Movies) (11), Leonard "Bones" McCoy/Original Male Character(s) (1), James T. Kirk & Leonard "Bones" McCoy & Spock (1), Star Trek: Alternate Original Series (Movies), Gaila (Star Trek: Alternate Original Series), Spock is tall and so is Jim I make the rules, Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings, James T. Kirk & Leonard "Bones" McCoy Friendship, Leonard "Bones" McCoy/Original Male Character(s), He gets infected with a virus that turns him into a vulcan, If I didnt know better I'd say Spock was enjoying this, James T. Kirk & Leonard "Bones" McCoy & Spock, Childhood bonding betweeen Querl Dox(James T Kirk and Spock, im new to ao3 i dont know how to tag things. Only problem is, he's not a Vulcan citizen. Alana Pike, daughter of Admiral Christopher Pike, is left alone after Khan's fatal attack. But how can he tell him? Spock will do anything to recover his bondmate. When 23-year-old Yuri misses gold at the Grand Prix Final yet again, Otabek makes him an offer he cant refuse. A Star Trek fanfic from The '70s by Paula Smith and the Trope Namer for Mary Sue. He knew Mallorys charity was simply because the man pitied him for Tarsus IV. At his feet, a child's stuffed animal was partially buried in the ground. Currently under editing, fixing grammar/spelling mistakes Embarrassment sparks anger inside him, an old defense mechanism. no-doubt witty retort when a convulsion wracked his entire body. I dont need anyone to protect me. At first, he refuses to believe its him, memories of Tarsus IV buried so deep they feel like old nightmares. Consider this the second part of Cherished. There are two fics that I cant find rn- 1 features Jim and Spock being married and bonded for like 10 years and dating for 2 before then, and suddenly Jim gets a call from Starfleet that a pre-Spock girlfriend of his(I think Carol Marcus)had a son who is biologically Jims. Is that what youre sorry for?. tip: katekyou "alternate universe" sort:>words. Id love to read a fic of the pairing in this verse. I like the sneaky grampa willie/tpau mashup. Strange New Worlds certainly continues to keep Spock as a friendly Vulcan. So to see his own longing reflected back at him isstaggering. James Kirk is thirty-five years old when Kodos the Executioner dies saving him. This is the story of how she puts it back together again over the years, with a little help from people who love her. wrist, demanding his attention. Though they find out in time they cannot know the extreme ways it will affect his life until later on when he makes his way into StarFleet and encounters the child of his Mentor, Amanda Grayson, and her Husband, Ambassador Sarek. I should have told you a lot of things.. He feels like he hasnt healed at all. in his chest. Spock and Kirk had been James Kirk is thirteen years old, and his world is ice, and bile, and terror. A year later they come across a Romulan ship with an unexpected Sub Commander. or Original!verse. Plain Sight - A routine mission goes bad when Kirk, Spock, and McCoy find themselves crashed on a remote planet, injured, and hidden from the Enterprise. Youre not listening to me, are Would anyone happen to have suggestions for Star Trek tos books that have some of that good ole homoerotic spirk subtext? Spock Looms over feeling all the heavy emotion trying to suppress it as best he can avoiding another explosion. Parenting with Logic & Jim KirkbyLillithgarden. Spock got kidnapped and sold to a pleasure house. Firm hands grab his shoulders, jerking him until he meets Spocks eyes. But when a new opportunity arises, will he be up to the challenge? So this is my collection of Spirk one-shots, I hope you enjoy :) Captain? Spock says. I was totally into this. He calls Kirk thyla and kisses years of pining and repression into the soft bow of his lips. soon, and Ive only won one Grand Prix Final when I was fifteen,and I was supposed to be Are you Tyberick, who looks exactly like Kirk. And don't the most interesting things happen when you're bored? panting. Im the Teaching Assistant. He was a twenty-year-old, blue eyed, and fair skinned and haired human male, with the full name of James Tiberius Kirk. (reading it on ao3 might be easier since its kinda long). Alright, Mister Spock, lets have it, Kirk sighs. While he works, his mind wanders to a meaningful night early in his first five-year mission several decades beforethe night hed taken it upon himself to provide a friendly therapeutic massage to Commander Spock, his executive officer and the permanent desire of his lovesick heart. first officer, striding towards him with his head tilted down like a A malfunction during transport causes some surprising side effects. Jim has almost no memories of that time, nor do he have any memories of his biological parents. Then again, you always look a little green.. AOS Pre-STXI Academy era close-canon AU. But a year later, T'Pring and Uhura die in a tragic shuttle accident when they come to visit, leaving behind their six-month-old daughter, Edelweiss. sigh, he turns. eyes. Part two of the Uhura world series. just changing into his nightclothes when he heard his door slide open from an Panic waits like a specter in the corner of his mind, but he bullies it back. The Vulcans whole body was vibrating like he The Vulcans in Star Trek have been portrayed as extremely loyal and logical, but there have also been members who have been incredibly petty, cruel, and ethnocentric. forcing him backwards until he hit a wall. I dont want to talk to The feeling hes tried to repress all semester blooms in his chest. If this is Kodos, Spock says from behind him, we need to know. By the end of the semester, Kirk has the highest grade in the course. He has difficulty with food, always eating too much and making himself sick, never willing throw any out, even if its expired. He gambles that Spock is the same about his mother, and it pays off. Katsuki back to his hotel room, but he admits he didnt put up much of a fight. Follow/Fav Fathers, Friends and Faith. While visiting a planet for diplomatic negotiations, a member of the away team suffers a severe allergic reaction, and for once, it's not Jim Kirk. So when he ended up being Querl Dox(Brainiac 5) again it wasn't really a surprise. Cue green card marriage. a wall of lockers with a satisfying crash. He stares openly, absorbing the ears and the eyebrows and the green-tinted skin, much as he had when he was fourteen and looking upon his saviors. He cant help but find Spock beautiful. A sudden need to flee bursts within him, to escape this humiliation, and he tries to pull away. Hes numb to the significance of it, numb to everything, until it lands and the doors slide open. Jim decides to adopt one of them. Can be read as Alternate! I really want something along the lines of. Kirk blinks up at them when they draw close. Yuri "Thanks," he said, as he headed into his office with a deep breath. He stares, lost in such a haze that he doesnt notice when McCoy leaves the room. The thing people always forget is that it was a Vulcan ship that reached Tarsus IV first. Otabek just stares down at him with his usual He exceeds expectations constantly set for him in all areas of his life. After the explosion, the two other Romulan vessels disappear and with them, the hope of knowing where Kirk has gone. When Spock strides into his quarters, he knows its over. Deck Seven, sections 1-A and 2-H report no power. Jones smiled at him as he waved in. Something inside him cracks, a flood of repressed memories pulling beads of sweat from his skin, dizzying him. Spock abandoned logic to save Kirk, and still thought hed lost him forever. But the last time is a real whopper. Spock barrels on. When Spock is challenged for the right to ma Earth, mid 22nd century. Deck . He first has the pleasure of meeting the infamous James Tiberius Kirk, son of Commodore Winona Kirk and hero George Kirk, when the cadet appears in the advanced testing room 8.7 days prior to the start of the upcoming semester. His father had saved eight hundred people, including his newborn son, through the sacrifice of his own life to defeat the Romulan Nero. To make matters worse, the planet's inhabitants appreciate neither Starfleet nor unexpected visitors. He feels the frigid wind of Tarsus IV on his back, the sharp pain of stomach acid eating through his guts. Spock, Lady Amanda, and Captain Kirk's young nephew, Peter Kirk, are taken as political hostages by Orion warriors. come to check on him, as if he hadnt spent enough time being injected and Or will his past lead to self-destruction? at his best friend, but he will if it means being left alone to wallow in his and there's actually gonna be rough patches for both of you where the balance will be uneven and you will still be friends and it will not be unhealthy and they will not be abusive. Tarsus IV happened and Jim got 7 amazing kids out of it. And I wont have you putting yourself in danger Inkitts mission is to discover talented writers and turn them into globally successful authors. borg, species:romulan, species:vulcan, theme:abuse, theme:academy, . He now stood in a dry and barren landscape, made of dust and abandonment. With a Five weeks later, Captain James T. Kirk received and urgent message. Kirk and Spock meet as teenagers one summer and it sets in motion the events for their future together, when they meet up again as adults. Movies Star Trek: 2009. . Spocks, not seeming to notice when Spock shivered at the touch. After the Stripper Pole Banquet Incident, Victor guides drunk!Yuuri back to his hotel room. As soon as he materializes on the transporter pad, his eyes lock on the figure of his best friend, standing near the controls with hands linked behind his back. 1) Vulcan trying to find a new place to situate their colony, and they need to share the planet with another group of people who are artists and are emotional. That is, of course, because he was a Human-Vulcan hybrid. Become everything his father had been and more. Two beings, silhouetted in light, step down the ramp and approach him. He stops fighting. While transporting a Vulcan delegation back to New Vulcan, Jim overhears Spock have a few conversation in his native language, which he was clearly not supposed to understand. Her grandmother was Vulcan, but she secretly married a human and had her father. His soft hair, his blue eyes, his selflessness, he's the only thing Spock can't suppress his feelings for. He stares up, wide-eyed, at the same Vulcan features from his dreams every night. He kicks a bench, The bridge was silent except for the tapping of Uhura's fingers against her console. He has no fear. Kirk was about to deliver a Come nightfall, things that go bump in the night have Kirk on alert. He regrets the words the moment they come out of his mouth. Things Never Go Well (Until They Do)byTheSeabear, Commander Spock, we have located your son, the Vulcan lady on the screen says, which would be great, except Jim can tell by the look on Spocks face that hes never heard of this kid before in his life. My personal business, It is my personal business when it might interfere with the smooth operation of this ship.. He takes in the pointed ears, the slick dark hair, the high cheek bones and the green hue of their skin, and for a delirious moment, thinks hes looking at angels. He stares at the carpet and wets his lips nervously. odds with the severity of their situation. They were attacked by green androids and thrown into prison. 26/02/2023 . *got the idea for this after TOS S3 E2 "The Enterprise Incident". His mind is like a beaming sun, a warmth that Spock has missed on this cooler planet, pulling him in with all of its promising radiance. But this is Captain Kirk and for some reason, the universe just wants to kick him in the face one more time. Alone. of unwavering resolve. jesus. He punctuated by squeezing the mound of Spocks palm; a sensual, skilled Star Trek TOS: This side of Paradise. And what lead you to that conclusion?, Oh, that thing you called inconsistent the first day of class? Kirk opens his eyes, and watches a ship descend from the stars. An Alternate Universe take on a Vulcan James Kirk. In a universe where Captain Kirk has not been snatched up by the Nexus, he and Spock settle on a quiet planet between Vulcan and Earth, ready to spend quiet and happy days there. soon as possible, Spock said as he waved the hand scanner over Kirks body, intent James Kirk is fourteen, and he will never see another year. Someones following him. She is 3/4 Vulcan. What is your name?. Deck Four breach has been temporarily sealed. Work Search: kirk with vulcan child I am trying to find the story (star trek 2009 au) where kirk has a half human/half vulcan child that is his. Spock explains his relationship about Nyota. My apologies, the Vulcan says, stepping aside and gesturing for Kirk to enter the classroom. So the only question really left to ask is whether the fleet is ready for two Kirks and theirdetermination to be everything they possibly can be. Is that the thing you mean?, Ah, Kirk says. Kirk shrugs. Mallory knew, didnt he. Spock could feel his mind reaching outward to connect to the unawakened mind of his unborn child, but he would have to wait before establishing a parental bond between them. Pressing his fingers to Kirks psi points, he finally submerges in the most beautiful mind hes even beheld. This all may be woefully unfamiliar (and fleeting, he remembers with a pang) but hes determined to enjoy it while it lasts, so he joins the table and pretends to steal a piece of Jos bacon, revelling in her indignant squeak and Bones bark of laughter. Kirk will do anything to protect the boy. I can assure you the effect is quite the opposite, sir. Spock tilts his head to the side. He'd been curious about her people, her culture, the half of him he didn't know. Post TOS S3x02 "The Enterprise Incident". The only thing he knows is that he is one-quarter Vulcan. He is shocked. He has put his command in jeopardy. like a cat, something that endeared him to Yuri more than hed ever admit. Vulcans, Kirk whispers. Please consider turning it on! I think The Vulcan could feel his child move and he could sense soft whispers of the child's limited brain activity underneath Jim's emotions. His fair colouring and symmetrical features are striking, making him stand out in a crowd of even the most aesthetically pleasing individuals. Stripper Pole Banquet Incident, Victor guides drunk! Yuuri back to his hotel room, but he to. Tilted down like a a malfunction during transport causes some surprising side effects landscape!, blue eyed, and bile, and bile, and his world ice! That you just won gold, again then you will make them when... Stripper Pole Banquet Incident, Victor guides drunk! Yuuri back to his room. 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