Captured complete assassination sequence. Up to 24 hours in advance. Tague ignored his injury at the time and, like other witnesses, he was pressured to conform to a three-shot scenario. Cutler clearly understood the topography and layout of Dealey Plaza. 'Braden, along with ex-convict Morgan Brown, was staying at the Cabana Motel, the same motel visited by (Jack)Ruby the night of November 21.' . I do not believe that is a credible shot. [16] In his second dispatch from the car just 25 minutes after the shooting, he said, "Some of the Secret Service agents thought the gunfire was from an automatic weapon fired to the right rear of the president's car, probably from a grassy knoll to which police rushed." She cradled the wounded dead President in her lap his blood all over her as they rushed to Parkland Hospital. Over more than half-a-century, Elm Street has been resurfaced several times; street lane stripes have been relocated; sidewalk lamp posts have been moved and added; trees, bushes and hedges have grown; and some traffic sign locations have been changed, relocated or removed. Bullet hole, you could tell it was a bullet hole. A shot to the back of Kennedys head is an issue is because of a forward movement of Kennedys head between Zapruder frames 312 and 313. As shots rang out in Dealey Plaza, a reporter riding in the motorcade filed a dispatch saying police thought the gunfire came from the right rear of the presidents limo, probably from a grassy knoll to which police rushed, according to a timeline of news coverage compiled by the Sixth Floor Museum, now housed in the Texas School Book Depository. Then I heard the crack of a couple of rifle shots. These twenty-two items were arranged to correspond to my scenario of eight shots. Six Shooters in Dealey Plaza (too old to reply) claviger 2015-05-09 14:15:09 UTC. Now as they turned the corner, Clint Hill, who was the Secret Service man, he hopped off of the limo and got on the car behind him. That's why the Vice President was not in the pictures taken of his car. The top of the Dal-Tex Building fails as a location with ease of escape. This allows you to place the shooter in Dealey Plaza and have him fire your choice of bullet. Hill:The president noticed there was a large crowd behind a fence, so he headed for that crowd. Situated in one corner of Dealey Plaza was a red brick office building that was, at the time, leased to the Texas School Book Depository Company, which distributed text books to high schools. On Tuesday, May 12, 2015 at 8:02:45 PM UTC-4, On Sunday, May 10, 2015 at 8:46:59 PM UTC-4, bigdog, On Saturday, May 9, 2015 at 6:11:14 PM UTC-4, Spence. Some of the Mannlicher-Carcano ammunition possibly dated from World War II and the cartridge for shot #1 was weak either because of age or poor manufacture. I located a mark on the curb in the Altgens 6 photograph, but there is no proof that the mark is a bullet mark, or if it is the mark noted by Breneman & West. Employee Lee Harvey Oswald stood on the sixth floor of the building and used a rifle to shoot President Kennedy. One of the areas the police focused on was a parking lot behind the stockade fence that was up on a grassy incline near the street where the motorcade was when the shots began. The following is a summary of the controversial issues surrounding these items. Curved concrete colonnades with pylons at the ends run along the west of each reflecting pool. Dallas to Dealey: The History of Dallas and Dealey Plaza. It is sometimes called the "birthplace of Dallas". The Problem of Secrecy and the Solution of the JFK Act", "Final Report of the Assassination Records Review Board, Chapter 4", "Assassination Records Review Board: Unlocking the Government's Secret Files on the Murder of a President", " JFK Assassination Report", "Oliver Stone: JFK conspiracy deniers are in denial", "JFK Assassination: Kennedy's Head Wound", "Clarifying the Federal Record on the Zapruder Film and the Medical and Ballistics Evidence", "Troves of files on JFK assassination remain secret", "Trump has no plan to block scheduled release of JFK records", "Trump Holds Some JFK Assassination Files Back, Sets New 3-Year Deadline", "National Archives Releases JFK Assassination Records", "Thousands of unedited government JFK assassination files released", "Chapter 1: The Problem of Secrecy and the JFK Act", "Majority in U.S. The motorcade, though, took a 10-mile route through downtown in order to maximize Dallass exposure to the president, asBill Minutaglio and Steven L. Davis wrote in their bookDallas 1963. The wounds are established facts. 35 witnesses recorded testimony of at least one shot fired from either the grassy knoll or the triple underpass. Whitney: Once it was empty? That put Mrs. Kennedy right up next to the crowd. jump in and claim that it's more people. 15 The back of the rear view mirror of the limousine had a dent just below the defect in the windshield. It entered Kennedys neck to the right of his larynx, traveled downward and slightly to the left, exited his back to the right of his spine, and buried in the back seat of the limousine. Emotions notwithstanding, a scenario of the shots in Dealey Plaza has to address the following twenty-two items. Railroad Office/Shed, near Pacific Ave. east of Interlocking Tower This is a small one-story brick building constructed after the 1989 demolition of a predecessor that was erected at some point between 1930 and 1950 near the same location. So I would get up on the back of the car occasionally to be as close to her as I could. The interval between shots is so brief (1.4 seconds) that the second shot was probably accidental; it was certainly inaccurate. "Memory of a Nation: Effectively Using Artworks to Teach about the Assassination of President John F. Kennedy", Gunzenhuser, Randi. Whatever is the reason for the forward movement on the Zapruder film I do not believe there was more than one shot to Kennedys head. Free cancellation. Immediately west of the obelisk is a bronze bas relief marker mounted on red granite illustrating President Kennedy's visit to Dallas. In this scenario two separate fragments caused Connallys wrist and thigh wounds. Holland was watching the presidential motorcade approach Dealey Plaza from a perch on top of a bridge known as The Triple Underpass. That was the first story that made the newspapers and it is the story the government originally believed. You can no longer spot an "X" in Dealey Plaza. Illuminati Rex. "The Grassy Knoll" redirects here. The bullet ricocheted off his wrist into his left thigh. From Z207 until Z229 there are lines of debris on the back of the sign and in the air near the sign. H. Warner King 4 of 7 Almost immediately, wreaths, tributes and memorials began to accumulate in Dealey. Connally lifted his right hand as he turned to the left, which put his wrist in line with the bullet exiting his chest. Nov. 20, 2013 -- intro: President John F. Kennedy was assassinated Nov. 22, 1963, while riding in an open car in a motorcade in Dealey Plaza in Dallas. Or I look at the fibers on the butt plate of the murder, which matched Oswald's shirt as an indication he was the one who, murder weapon and you don't think it means anything. I believe Kennedys forward movement is a rebound from the backward thrust of the throat shot and his attempt to regain composure. Whitney: You did touch it at all or anything. I also believe that the shooter in the Oswald window was not expected to hit anything, a fact he probably was not aware of. That. Captured partial assassination sequence. He was trying to keep the president away from the crowd. Tague initially said that the shots came from the grassy knoll. 5 President Kennedy had a wound in his back. side came down right in front of the driver and out the glass into the street about 5 or 6 inches Once you board your climate-controlled van, travel to the Grassy Knollthe spot where John F. Kennedy was shot in 1963. Kennedys forward movement after the shot to his throat is interpreted by some researchers as momentum from a shot to his back supposedly occurring at Z228. Fragments of the bullet were found on the right front seat and on the floor beside the right front seat (CE567-b & CE569). At the plaza's west perimeter is a triple underpass beneath a railroad bridge, under which the motorcade raced after the shots were fired. 1 Witnesses reported that the first shot hit the pavement. This scenario was first proposed by Anthony Marsh at COPA in 1995. Since a shot from the Texas School Book Depository hit the President in the head less than one second after the shot from the knoll, there would have been little apparent reason for a gunman on the knoll to fire a second shot. The Umbrella Man was a man named Louie Steven Witt. On Thursday, May 14, 2015 at 7:14:38 PM UTC-5, mainframetech. Freeman: No Nah ha. Sixth Floor Museum. This footage includes the dramatic and sad moment when President Kennedy is pronounced dead by NBC newsman Frank McGee (as he . Whatever the man picked up was never seen again. As it were, one shot . [17][18][19][20], Smitty, who was the main UPI reporter covering the presidential motorcade and was seated in the front seat of the sixth car known as the White House Pool car or the wire car,[a] used a radiotelephone to file his report with the UPI office when shots had been fired at President Kennedy. Jacqueline Kennedy:You know, there is always noise in a motorcade and there are always motorcycles besides us, a lot of them backfiring. The crack in the windshield must also have been the result of a ricochet because a direct hit would have gone through. hospital, you could take a regular standard writing pencil, wood pencil, and stick it through Tague believes he heard the third shot after he was hit. "Review: The Sixth Floor: John F. Kennedy and the Memory of a Nation,", Eder, Elizabeth. Pergolas, Dealey Plaza along Elm and Commerce streets Two concrete columnar, Triple Underpass, west edge of Dealey Plaza at convergence of Elm, Main, and Commerce streets This unpainted concrete railroad overpass was constructed by the, Dealey Statue, 101 S. Houston St. The Dealey Statue, featuring the likeness of the plaza's namesake. [21][b] He then entered the nearby book depository building to find a telephone to file his report. Turn on desktop notifications for breaking news? However, there are convincing reasons for rejecting a GKF shot to the head. The only controversy is whether Connally had to let go of his hat when his wrist was shattered. Hear No Evil: Social Constructivism and the Forensic Evidence in the Kennedy Assassination. It was a very hot day. A show of unity over two days in Texas was necessary if Kennedy had any hope of winning again in 1964. (DVD) Southlake, TX: JFK Lancer Productions & Publications, Inc., 2006) for forensic analysis of shot #7. threw up a flash of dust where it hit the concrete curb, and I saw a bunch of people fall and I There are no witnesses who claim to have seen a mark on the sign. With such a scenario in hand we can concentrate on other unresolved issues and someday push through to a conclusion. No blood or anything. [13]:1114, Dealey Plaza was built on land donated by early Dallas philanthropist and businesswoman Sarah Horton Cockrell. 1 - Witnesses reported that the first shot hit the pavement. A Hollywood film crew was there filming the Netflix series "The Umbrella Academy". Journalists and other social media users shared photos of the crowds on Twitter and questioned supporters of the conspiracy theory. The building, constructed in 1989, is designed to mimic the materials and architectural elements of the School Book Depository from which it is connected with a stone and glass hyphen. The incredible exuberance surrounding Kennedys last moments alive gave way in an instant. Kennedy Assassination Site, Elm St. between N. Houston St. and the Triple Underpass A white "X" on the Elm St. pavement marks the spot where President Kennedy was fatally shot. It also reinforces a suspicion that the authorities covered up the evidence for whatever reason. From the confusion surrounding the rifle it appears that something went wrong. Zapruder's home movie film would be the only known recording to capture the entire assassination. These are established facts. For the music group, see, View from southwest, with the former Texas School Book Depository building at left, Dal-Tex Building in center, and the Dallas County Records Annex at right (2003), "Grassy knoll" redirects here. Gender:Male. I believe only one shot is indicated by items 13-15. The groove looks like the gouge of a kickstand (See Groden, Robert J. op. On the left is Lee Harvey Oswald, shooter of John F. Kennedy and man at the centre of myriad conspiracy theories as to whether he acted alone. Two Friends Sad Story: Kenny O'Donnell and Dave Powers were riding in the car behind the Presidential limo in the Dealey Plaza motorcade. The first shot did not hit anyone and did not trigger alarm. 14 The Presidential limousine had a defect in the windshield just below the indentation in the frame. Dallas County Criminal Courts Building (RTHL #6667, United States Post Office Terminal Annex, 207 S. Houston St. This structure of subdued. Governor Connally looks quickly to the right. To not wish harm to any living creaturenot even to any lifeless object. We can place two shots from GKF prior to Z313 and there is no compelling reason to believe there was a third shot from GKF. Meet at the John Neely Bryan Cabin. The presidential motorcade was driving through the crowd-lined plaza when shots were fired; it has since become a National Historic Landmark. The TSBDW shooter had just shot Governor Connally at Z224. Twin fighter jets thundered low above Dealey Plaza and a flock of white doves fluttered skyward at the time of the assassination 30 years ago. The original photo has been scrutinized thousands of. caused by the actions of the police and other spectators in Dealey Plaza indicating the knoll and the depository . It was also the location of the assassination of John F. Kennedy in 1963; 30 minutes after the shooting, Kennedy was pronounced dead at Parkland Memorial Hospital. Ahimsa: Respect for all living things and avoidance of violence toward others. You had ballistic, fiber experts and so on. Donahue's Dealey Plaza odyssey began 21 years earlier. The . John F. Kennedy faced gunfire from three gunmen who shot four bullets at his passing motorcade according to dramatic new findings that indicate Lee Harvey Oswald could not have acted alone sparking a fresh manhunt for a second and third shooter! At that angle from the sixth floor a bullet would ricochet over the bystanders, but there is no room in the scenario for another shot. From the oral-history project: The parade route had been publicized in the paper and so we knew the parade route so we jumped in our car and tried to get ahead of the parade. No way theres even any cracks associated with that bullet hole, It seemed like a high velocity bullet that had penetrated from front to back in that glass pane. The Kennedy Memorial and Plaza is the only contributing property not in existence at the time of the assassination nor in view of its site. Clothing manufacturer Abraham Zapruder, standing behind the Newmans, was filming with an 8mm Bell & Howell camera. Simmons:I thought they were more handsome in person, the coloring of their hair and eyes seemed to be more life-like being in person, of course. Most of Kennedys tissue was expelled to the rear and to the left, which is the same direction his body went. 16 President Kennedy had a massive gunshot wound to the head. A shooter on top of the Dal-Tex Building could have taken shots #1 & #8, but those shots are already assigned to TSBDE, the patsy location. Live commentary on board. I believe it was the intent of the assassination planners to have Oswalds rifle fired from TSBDE and tested by DPD. For many years researchers believed that the shot to the Presidents head came from GKF. Many witnesses reported shots from GKF. Bill Newman:When we arrived to the location on Elm Street, we had probably been there five minutes or less, and you could hear the parade coming down Main Street. So I turned to the right. I assumed that the shooters were professionals who chose locations that maximized cover, effective shots and ease of escape. The decision to pin an inferior Italian rifle on the patsy was a sign of disrespect for the FBI. A shot fired shortly after the throat shot would give the DTB shooter almost five seconds to reset before his second shot (shot #6 to the frame of the windshield). 4 I relied upon the detailed map of Dealey Plaza by Don Roberdeau (Copyright 2010 by Don Roberdeau) for the locations of the Breneman & West mark and the Stemmons Freeway sign. Mary Muchmore Film. Sixth Floor Museum Visitor Center Building, N. Houston St. adjacent to Texas School Book Depository The Visitor Center is a one-story brick building north of the School Book Depository extending along N. Houston St. toward Pacific Ave. Shot to the Presidents head came from the crowd jump in and claim that it 's people! A three-shot scenario claim that it 's more people winning again in.! Mrs. Kennedy right up next to the Presidents head came from GKF last moments alive gave way in an.! The gouge of a couple of rifle shots to accumulate in Dealey the limousine! 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