After she is gone, Emma spills hot chocolate all over her shirt and is directed to a laundry machine in the back room. He confesses to texting while driving. ("Going Home", "New York City Serenade"), A year later, in New York, Emma becomes accustomed to taking Henry to a fountain outside the Midtown Library and giving him a penny to make a wish, as way to cheer him up when he is upset. When she suddenly feels intense chest pain, Hook tries to return the heart to her, only to be engulfed in fire. What could happen? In a final goodbye, Hook asks her not to close herself off from her loved ones because of losing him, and Emma asks him not to keep from moving on because of her. David and Hook procured only one bean, but it's enough. Somehow, Emma discovers Belle is making a healing spell to wake Mr. Gold, but the last ingredient must be something that once touched him when he wasn't the Dark One yet. After the kiss, Emma continues onto the shed, oblivious to what is going on. Post-Neverland and AU from there. () ]. After the darkness escapes elsewhere into town, the Apprentice tells her about the origins of the Dark One, who was created by the Sorcerer Merlin as a means to trap the darkness. When she questions Mr. Gold on why he's still around if Hades has given him what he wants, Mr. Gold abandons his father, which makes Pan retreat. Regina thinks that's ridiculous, but Emma turns out to be right. As Mr. Gold continues to demand answers, Neal bursts in to stop him. Ruby senses something is wrong, and then she and Emma investigate at the office to come across a dead Archie. At the apartment, Emma is warmed up. He jests at Emma that he forgot to bring champagne to their "second date". Emma says she was eventually going to tell her, but suggests that Regina should focus more on being Henry's mother before he is gone for good. Mr. Gold, however, states that he did not create her, and only made use of who and what she isthe product of true love. She attempts to run away that night, but Ingrid, foreshadowing her actions, convinces her to stay by revealing Kevin's fear of spiders and where in her desk she keeps rubber ones. In the aftermath, Emma meets up with Henry at school when the same girl Jefferson pointed out to her, Paige, walks past. Regina no lanou a maldio mas ela era a rainha m. But she wouldn't let me. They plan to switch Henry back to his own body so he will be in possession of the scroll and bring it to Regina. I wanted to cry, but I knew my dad would worry that I was in pain, so I held back the tears and kept walking. Emma Swan uma rf de 18 anos que vive de pequenos roubos, ela se muda para pacata cidade de Storybrooke, onde acaba por invadir nada mais, nada menos que a casa da prefeita. To rescue Neal, each of them need to reveal one of their deepest, guarded secrets. Zelena helps give him just that, by stabbing him in the chest to prove he's immortal, before showing him through the dreamcatcher of how Emma made him a Dark One. This article focuses on a character who holds the title of "Savior".For the other characters who held this title, see Saviors.For the Season Five episode, see "The Dark Swan".For the Season Six episode, see "The Savior". Gaining a spell translation from Belle, Regina performs a ceremony to release the nuns, but she unintentionally unleashes the Chernabog as well. After they all meet up at the library, Regina reveals Cruella, Maleficent and Ursula are seeking the Author to change things so the villains win and heroes lose, and they want her to steal something for the mission. If you're looking for popular Once Upon a Time fanfiction with Emma and hook, this story is for you! TV Shows Once Upon a Time. They admit crossing paths with the Author in their past and he manipulated them into making the deal with the Apprentice. They stuck together ever since, like sisters. As David reasons what they did was wrong and it was a decision made out of fear, Emma shuts down the conversation, deciding it is more important to look for the Author. She takes Cleo's past advice to her and begins wearing the jacket as her "armor" to protect herself emotionally from other people. As the nuns are welcomed back in the diner, Emma finds Hook brooding, feeling guilty for trapping the nuns, although she insists Mr. Gold is at fault for manipulating him. 1. ("Queen of Hearts"), At the apartment, Emma and Henry walk in on her parents in bed. Emma shrugs off her this concern since her only interest is getting Henry back. August introduces himself as Pinocchio, the seven-year-old that found her when she was an infant, and to prove his point, he shows her his leg. The sheriff and the mayor are married and have embarked on a mdlg relationship. To test out the cave's rules, Hook goes first and confirms he and Emma kissed, but the real secret is the kiss itself helped him move on from his first love, Milah. To break free, Emma smashes a tea cup with a pillow and uses one of the broken edges to cut out her way out. Emma is surprised to hear Leroy mention that Dopey is no longer a tree, but Leroy notes that the dwarves got him out and they weren't waiting for her to fix things. She nearly killed by it, though Mary Margaret takes care of the ogre by shooting an arrow in its eye. After giving her the message, he disappears. On her drive out of town, she notices he left his book on the car seat. While David fires ammunition to scare off the mermaids, Emma works with Mary Margaret to catch one of the sea creatures on a fishing line, and Regina uses fire magic to force the remaining school of mermaids into fleeing. Read chapter 17 - Best Laid Plans from the story Worlds Colliding (Once Upon a Time) Book Four by heartofice97 (Tiffany) with 236 reads. Recalling the dream she had, she consoles Henry with the knowledge Neal knows he's all right. Emma is reluctant to snuff out her parents' only chance to be uncursed, but Snow is confident she will find another way to help her and David. Emma is certain she will change her mind in the future, but Zelena considers that she doesn't mind being alone, while the same cannot be said for Emma. After Mary Margaret and David go on their house hunt, Emma notices Henry drawing blueprints for what to change if they decide to move out. Emma is flabbergasted they secretly began growing magic beans during the time she was still in the Enchanted Forest, and instinctively picks up that her parents truly want to go back to their land. Leaving Henry in Regina's care, Emma goes with Elsa to the pawnshop. At the school grounds, his teacher, Mary Margaret, reveals that Henry thinks she is Snow White, which shocks Emma. Though Regina believes the demon is after her, it is actually stalking Emma. She walked closer to me and wrapped her arms around me and gave me a huge hug. At the mention of August, Emma voices her nagging concern about who is the person he had been trying to warn them about. David receives a call from Leroy, who can't find Archie, which causes Emma to realize the person she saw earlier was actually the Queen in disguise. In one future, she wins her battle against the darkness, but in the other, she becomes dark and kills him. Assuming they are from Graham, she tosses them into the garbage bin, however, Mary Margaret admits the flowers are for her from Dr. Whale. Together, they investigate the farmhouse cellar, which is now mysteriously open. Hook stops her before she can go try and talk him out of it, assuring her that it's something he has to do. Zelena turns down Emma's offer of protection as she doesn't want to start trouble that might have a bad influence on her baby. While getting a car to bring Mr. Gold to the ship, Emma asks Neal why he is helping his dad. Emma magically reverts herself to a toddler, with her adult memories, but is unable to communicate and no one knows who she is. She thinks the vehicle is going to be hot wired, but it is just a borrowed car. With a pat on her back, he urges his mother to go into the diner. Emma assumed this is the version of Hook whom she was marrying, but seeing as he not able to trust her yet, she returns the ring to him, telling him that they can talk when he is ready. They learn from Regina, who briefly possesses Mary Margaret's body, that Mr. Gold is back and he's reverted Pinocchio into August in order to interrogate him about the Author. She gives him mouth-to-mouth resuscitationa "kiss"and has her magic drained away. A brief struggle with Jefferson ensues, but Mary Margaret hits and kicks him out the window. Regina didn't respond, all she could do was cry and cry into the phone and it was so hard for Emma to say, "Baby, I need to hang up so I can get there as fast as possible." Her words caused Regina to cry harder. Rather than David, the prints are Mary Margaret's. The couple later returns with the baby and Belle, after Zelena relinquishes her daughter to them, fearing she can't protect her from Hades. Emma doesn't mind; stating that she won't need it after returning to New York. Picking up a voice message from Hook, the pair are led to the Snow Queen, who is preparing to drop icicles on the pirate. Except when its not. They hurry to Lake Nostos where Mary Margaret fires an arrow to shoot the compass out of Cora's reach. They each take a sip of Hook's rum, except Regina, until it passes into Emma's hands. Emma wakes up from yet another nightmare, which leads her to fall into Little space and it's up to Ray and Norman to help their sister. She manages to erect a barrier just as Cora and Regina arrive to take it down. She moves to walk away, to which August angrily scolds her for not believing that everyone needs her. Later, Hook takes her to the dock, where they view the horizon, as he talks her into forgiving her parents. At the apartment complex, Emma almost punches the landlord after he insults Lily, who he believes is worthless and has since died from a car crash. Returning to the cave, everyone searches for something that might be useful. An enslaved Mr. Gold delivers a message from Zelena; warning them that she will finish off Regina and they'll pay with their lives if they interfere again. Instead, a frightened Emma flees onto the sidewalk to avoid being hit by the car. ("Siege Perilous"), In an attempt to ward off nightmares, Emma begins carving and fashioning dream catchers, just as Rumplestiltskin coaxes her to enter Regina's room and get the dagger, which is calling for her. Emma and David discover a frozen kitchen, but while they are distracted, Will steals money from the cash register and flees. Pinocchio shows her the tool he'll be using, his father's magic chisel, while Emma tells him about her destiny as the Savior to die in the future. When Emma wakes up to the sound of soft cries one night and attempts to calm down their newborn daughter doubts start to rise in her once again and Regina tries her best to help and reassure her, knowing she has a hard time adjusting to the changes that come with a baby in the family. Emma later learns of a complication in her parents' failed attempt at using Regina's antidote to uncurse themselves and that both of them will be asleep forever if the curse isn't broken soon. There, she shoots a flying monkey to protect her son as David and Regina also step in to take out incoming monsters. With a powerful being from Rumple and Regina's past ready to collect on an old debt, it's up to the savior and the queen to not only fight for each other, but the entire town. ("Desperate Souls"), She quickly gets her first job as sheriff afterwards when two orphans, Ava and Nicholas Zimmer, shoplift from Mr. Clark's store and Regina wants them to be sent to the foster system in Boston. Minor Original Character (s) Regina Mills is the CEO of a company and the owner of a ranch in Sheridan, Wyoming. He wouldn't change, his feelings wouldn't change, his life would be the same and nothing, absolutely nothing would change. The only clue that Emma had her parents knew anything at all was when it came time for them to head back to their own loft. Suspecting she is lying, Emma procures her real address and enters the trailer home with Regina, where they discover Lily has a collage of information about the truth. At the clock tower, the heroes discover Mr. Gold has tethered Storybrooke's magic into a piece of the Olympian Crystal. Emma returns the remaining squid ink to Mr. Gold, asking him to paralyze Hook with it during the duel, so she can retrieve the dreamcatchers, but Mr. Gold refuses, wanting to win with honor instead of magic. I am and forever will be with you and our child." Emma wants to join them, but Regina declines because she thinks the latter is not in the right state of mind to face Hades. While they scour the beach coastline, Tamara runs up to casually mention the reason for her change in jogging areas. Not wanting to succumb to darkness, Emma refuses, asking her to take the wisp and go. This is part of an ongoing challenge and will be revealed soon! Instead, she leaves Henry with Hook again. Seemingly remorseful, Regina arranges a meeting with Emma where she apologizes for her actions due to fears that she will take away Henry. She tries to charm him into staying, but Hook leaves. He concludes that nothing can be done, but then Mr. Gold steps in to offer an elixir cure for David. And in spite of her parents' allegations against Regina, along with the mounting evidence and testimonies, Emma refused to believe the worse of the mayor and even released her from custody. She wants Emma to be less formal and call her Mom. In it, Emma is stabbed by the enemy, an end that the Oracle warns will happen, no matter what path she takes to get there. Hook is appalled at this, to which she exemplifies Mr. Gold, who used to be a coward and didn't find true love until becoming the Dark One. So the last part might not be trouble, exactly, except for the part where it makes Bilbo's rather hopeless attachment even more painful. Congratulations! I heard someone coming up the stairs, I really hoped it was Killian, but it wasn't. When she doesn't answer, Hook notes she is not the old Emma, as the person he knew didn't play games. With reassurance from her parents, she breaks the bad news about Regina to Henry. David returns his son into Mary Margaret's loving arms where Emma watches happily outside the door. She pauses to confess that he can't know the whole truth until she's fulfilled her mission, otherwise, he'll try to stop her. ("The Brothers Jones"), After Henry writes about Snow and David's plan to contact their son Neal in Storybrooke, Emma and the others have little enthusiasm about it, as they were hoping to read Hades' story. All I wanted was Killian, but he wasn't going to get here in time unless there was some kind of miracle. However, the girl rushes out after nearly falling into a trap. Emma's response causes a frustrated outburst from Regina, though she quickly apologizes. ("An Apple Red as Blood"), Shortly after the purple smoke clears, Emma reunites with Mary Margaret and David after the curse has been broken. Afterwards, Hook tells Emma about his fears of losing her since the storybook supposedly never gives happy endings to villains. Later, Emma joins up with Mr. Gold, who speedily introduces her to Milah, his ex-wife, as well as Neal's mother and Hook's ex-lover. David once again dislikes the location, so Emma proposes that they might have to work with it since they can't use the royal castle in the Enchanted Forest. Snow White | Mary Margaret Blanchard. She takes Henry's advice and checks into an inn for a week. Emma joins Ruby, Snow, and Regina in confronting Zelena, who unveils in a mirror that Dorothy is currently under the sleeping curse in Oz. I saw Mary Margret run in carrying Neal in her arms. Cleo kicks the glass out of a window before jumping out of it, followed by Emma, and they take off running. Unbreakable. From a puppy to a child, it was said. Much to his despair, true love's kiss doesn't work on her, but Emma insists it failed because she doesn't need fixing as she has accepted who she is now. Henry offers to help by baiting the Queen and explains his desire to have a distraction from Violet, whom he believes no longer likes him. I went over to her grabbed her arms and stood her up. He disappears sometime after, leaving Emma disheartened, as she believes he doesn't know she came to save him. She tells him about her jacket, which was supposed to protect her from getting hurt by people, but now, it's a reminder that she must protect her loved ones to keep from losing any more people. Mother to go into the diner the deal with the Apprentice out the window person he did! Against the darkness, but Mary Margaret 's her this once upon a time fanfiction emma baby since her only interest getting! Emma spills hot chocolate all over her shirt and is directed to child! 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