Claude Delsol, conteur magicien des mots et des objets, est un professionnel du spectacle vivant, un homme de paroles, un crateur, un concepteur dvnements, un conseiller artistique, un auteur, un partenaire, un citoyen du monde. Conversely, New York City is a superset of Brooklyn, because the former contains, in addition to all of the latter, other boroughs as well. Calvin has studied extensively about the Titanic. For instance, if you are a data analyst selling your idea to a group of investors, you have to focus on the monetary value of the product you are pitching, elaborating on what they stand to gain and how this gain will come about, as well as the risks that are involved. The next step is elaborating on the one thing in an easy-to-understand manner. Someone whos planning a party probably doesnt care how the cup provides insulation. If the interviewer tells you something about the company that you didnt uncover in your research, like, Our culture appears buttoned-up from the outside, but in reality, its a really laid-back community with little competition among employees, try to describe an experience youve had that dovetails with that. It's important to meet people where they are, and at their knowledge level. In the course of your work, you may sometimes need to explain technical concepts to your customers. How you presented complex information is often one of these stories. As a general rule of thumb, I advise not bringing up the questions about salary until your interviewer does or bringing it up too early in the process. TechRepublic Premium editorial calendar: IT policies, checklists, toolkits and research for download, The best payroll software for your small business in 2023, Salesforce supercharges its tech stack with new integrations for Slack, Tableau, The best applicant tracking systems for 2023, MSP best practices: PC deployment checklist, MSP best practices: Network switch and router maintenance checklist. The opposite is complicated. So, how do we even the odds to give you a better chance at making complex information memorable, and give your audience a better chance at processing said information? Whenever you share your ideas, prepare a bag of relatable analogies as well as metaphors to drive your point home. Additionally, if you are preparing a PowerPoint slide, try as much as possible to keep it simple as a complicated slide might make the idea more complex. Learn more here. Example, I work in radiology, so my example would probably be along the lines of how I answer patients questions on radiation dose or 'how does this thing work'. Looking for the best payroll software for your small business? If you can't recall an actual experience, think of a hypothetical experience and how you'd handle it. The adage youre only as good as your last performance certainly applies. Its easy to become annoyed when someone is asking questions. The story of string theory is rather complicated, so the intent of the book was to fully examine some of those complexities. But even if thats the case, youre going to have to learn how to get people on board with your work when youre looking for a cut of the companys budget, meeting with someone from a completely different field, or pitching an idea to a client. It may seem a little random, but the time I spent actually helped my develop so many new skills in the areas of leadership, communication, (etc). 1. The person interviewing you is a human, don't make them God, they don't deserve that place. 2. Being rejected in this interview will not end you Once youve finished explaining your point or answering a question, ask a final question yourself. ", "This one's easy. What would be a good example, or how would you answer this? Please use the. Remember that its often better to discuss a salary range rather than a specific number during the interview and leaving room for negotiation. And your comment is brief, visual and tells your story. Instead I say the business needs software to do certain things - the developers make that happen - since they kinda speak different languages, I translate between the two. Creating good analogies takes practice, but it is a skill you can build. Remember, you are simplifying, so you dont need to know Photoshop or InDesign to make a useful image. Prepare an example that demonstrates your communication skills and your ability to convey complex information in easy to understand terms. WebYou start by focusing on what was difficult, and end with the basics of how you simplified and presented the information. ", Our Professional Interview CoachCindy Ramsey Reviewed the Above Answer. Even if you werent familiar with the organization prior to being recruited, be enthusiastic about what youve learned and honest about why youre interested in moving forward with the process. Two people can look at that same picture, and they can have opposite views of what theyre seeing. Do you want them to have a fuzzy, perhaps-intuitive understanding or bring them up (however many long steps it takes) to a complicated understanding? For people to truly understand a complex idea, they need to relate it to their own lives, put it in a familiar context, and make it their own. Rhys is a tenacious, top performing Senior Sales Recruiter with 15+ years of focused experience in the Digital Media, Mobile, Software, Technology and B2B verticals. Thats 50 hours we could be spending on more important projects. Great list, especially the concluding point about making space for the audience to engage and using the Minimum Viable Explanation for a proposal. The solution may seem obvious to you, but everyone else in the room is scratching their heads trying to figure out what you're saying. These concepts are helpful in describing, for example, a lite versus a professional version of a software product. \ A story from the Vietnam War era further illustrates this point. Keep your audience thinking and imagining your idea while making use of everyday instances to push your point home. Greek mythology has references to two monsters, Scylla and Charybdis, who sat on opposite sides of a narrow strait of water. Organize a number of different applicants using an ATS to cut down on the amount of unnecessary time spent finding the right candidate. Within a few minutes, They wrapped up the question with a compliment about how well I handled myself, and I politely said "Thank you, I do enjoy my special brand of brilliance.". If you use a term, phrase, or acronym regularly, you might forget that it is unfamiliar to others and needs to be defined. Without that opportunity, the lengthy explanation can quickly become a disengaging drone. I'm a solar guy, (rooftop solar), so explaining things to clients would be right up that alley. The goal is to impress the employer, but when you draw upon specific experiences, sometimes there are no interesting experiences to share. I recently rolled out a complex compensation plan with many anomalies. Now fluid, I know what that is, said the blind man, but what is white?, Oh, white is the color of a swans feathers., Feathers, now I know what they are, but what exactly is a swan?, Neck, I know what that is, but what do you mean by crooked?, At this point, Einstein said he lost his patience. Every business sector has its language and words that set it apart from others. Excellent! Your preferred environment should closely align to the companys workplace culture (and if it doesnt, it may not be the right fit for you). This is where I truly learned how well storytelling can be used to explain complex ideas. That may help you to organize your information in clearer, more succinct ways. How would you explain something complicated in simple terms?. By sharing that information, you make the problem tangible, and the solution appealing. It depends deeply on the audience, and the level of understanding you're targeting. Select the career path that aligns with you: How many years of experience do you have? For example, YouTube was described as "the flickr of video" (see. How would you do it? Very informative and thoughtful information. Your questions can be open ended, which gives people a chance to provide detailed information, or they can be closed ended, which generally calls for a simple yes/no response. The Future of Selling Is Selling Dying? That is to say that the primary connection between a speaker and the audience boils down to his presentation. Whats their background? The presentation has more to do with the audience than the presenter; therefore, you need to get to know the audience. See more from Ascend here. "I find that when there is a complicated concept to teach, visual aids are always the way to go. Having them understand you is important not only for technical reasons, but also to ensure customer satisfaction. For instance, if youre an engineer and you have to sell your concept to a group of finance professionals, try focusing on the monetary value of your productwhy itll save them money, how much its worth in relation to the market, how youve weighed the costs of creating it. Gap years are more popular in some cultures than others. Thus, knowing the context with which to deliver your points is key to getting maximum results. Rhys enjoys spending quality time with his wife, son, and daughters, BBQing on a hot summer day and tropical vacations. The teller knows all the protocols for getting the money safely and accurately in and out of the vault. Simply, they want to know if youre their top choice. Now, lets explore each in a little more detail. This distinction becomes more important the higher the level of the person youre talking to. You may also find, in the process that you deepen your own understanding as well. Plain language and an analogy. However, there are some things to consider if you want to give an excellent presentation. Online resources to advance your career and business. Making a picture to explain a complex idea is a classic solution, but some people find creating pictures intimidating. Pan American. Thanks Joann another great read! It comes down to keeping it simple and talking in their terms while remembering what motivates them: sales, operations, or what have you. Get on promotion fasstrack and increase tour lifetime salary. Contact us here. This skill is essential, but not limited to Accountants, Doctors, Scientists, and Statisticians, because these are specific fields that guide your audience in decision making. Nevertheless, you should expect that most work environments will have some team aspect. Remember that that most of an iceberg exists underwater and challenge yourself to say as little as possible. I use the timeboxing technique to make sure theyre all on track, allocating time on my calendar for certain tasks. All rights reserved. His talks on communications and customer service include stories from the disaster, with applications to the contemporary world. When speaking to a group of people, the goal is to simplify the complex ideas so that your listeners with little knowledge of the concept can understand. Doing so avoids the scenario of situation normal, all fouled up (SNAFU). Along those same lines, avoid any acronyms, jargon, or highly-niche phrases. If you have several audiences, considering developing different analogies that will be familiar to each audience. Their website with good advice on using plain language is worth a visit. So, below are some questions you should answer before proceeding: If you blandly put your point across, yes, you will get their attention, but there will still be unanswered questions going through their heads. So, you have finally been allowed to represent your team in the staff meeting where you can share all the awesomeness that your unit compiled. Jean Piaget Leave space in your explanations for them to do that! The interviewer wants to know that you are capable of explaining complex ideas without being condescending to your co-workers or talking over their heads. Try opting for simpler everyday words with as little acronyms as possible. Dr. Emily went further to say that because of the presence of mirror neurons in mind, we are affected by the actions of others. During that time, I realized that I wanted to earn a degree in (state your degree) to align with my passion (say what that is).. This shows the interviewer that you understand when You can also mention that youre actively looking for offers if your interviewer asks. The father clapped the young man on the back and congratulated him, thinking the latter was a commanding officer. Consider a similar question which is frequently discussed on HN -- how to describe a business concept as easily as possible. We've all faced that situation in which someone asks us to explain a complicated topic in ways that someone such as a child could understand. ", "Keep it simple silly! In this portion of your answer, explain the "results" you produced. A perfect representation of this step is an example from the world-renowned Physicist, Albert Einstein. Give the interviewer an example of how you break down information to make it more easily digestible for the average person. A feature is some inherent property of an object. His clients include Cornell, The George Washington University, the Pennsylvania State University, La Salle University and the University of Texas ? WebHow to explain complicated things in a simple way. He holds a B.A. What is the magical recipe for doing that? SalesForce Search is a sales recruiting company which specializes in the recruitment and placement of sales professionals. Productivity, Mindfulness, Health, and more. Plus, who doesnt like a good story that explains something? The truth is if you do not know the background of your audience, you cannot make them understand your points. I have to target my language to 8-year-olds every single day. If you can't explain it to a kid, you may not understand it as well as you think. The woman was nervous because the boyfriend was a conscientious objector. While using long, technical words might seem impressive, it rarely helps anyone understand whats being said. WebEven something about technical information so well that support more worth living thing could explain something complicated notions about and moves from a branch off and medical terminology. If a ship sailed too close to Scylla, it was destroyed and the sailors eaten up. The ship had to go right between them to survive. Stay up to date on the latest in technology with Daily Tech Insider. This is because not everyone will understand at the same level; thus, use this as a method of turning your complicated ideas into simple concepts. In the course of your work, you may sometimes need to explain technical concepts to your customers. Example:That sounds great to me. An analogy involves explaining an unfamiliar concept in terms of a familiar one. First, you need to understand it thoroughly. Youre sitting in a conference room with all the big bosses. Good. A benefit, on the other hand, is a way the feature helps a person. Copyright 2023 SalesForce Search. Be honest and tell them how you would find out the answer. So an interviewer asks you a question and you have no idea what the answer is, but they We solve. When the father asked the young man to talk about himself, the latter replied, nervously, that he was a CO. The Plain Language Action and Information Network is committed to creating "government communication that the public can understand and use." If the latter does everything the former does, plus more, it truly is a superset of the former, and the former is a subset of the latter. Marketing, Sales, Product, Finance, and more. Maybe so much so that your own friends dont quite get it. They simply make sense. A Bundaberg couple was forced to make days-long round trips to a capital city for IVF, and others do so for simple blood tests. This is funny, but it shows the need for decluttering your ideas and points to allow easy assimilation. But practicing first really helps. Im not even sure they are right. In that case, use simple present tense to talk about the current state of your understanding or concepts. You want to give your audience something to think about; thus, painting a mental picture is vital. 4 Creative Ways to Survive a Sales Role-Play in an Interview, Why Sales? How to Answer That Pesky Sales Interview Question, How to Sell a Product in an Interview: 5 Tips from Sales Experts. Dr. Emily Grossman said, You cannot hide poor or boring content behind a charismatic delivery technique, and expect your audience to let you get away with it.. You should be asking questions as well, to make sure they understand. To conclude your answer, you may present what you learned and how you plan to apply it in future scenarios. After checking the spelling and using the grammar checker, you can easily simplify text online, summarize and generate content. I read a lot of journals to keep abreast of the latest ideas in my field, and sharpened my skills by taking some online courses, such as (and then be specific). Todays world consists of complex, interconnected interactions of technologies, economies, and behaviors. Example:The extra time on my plate really allowed me to get introspective around where I want to take my career. Ideas are like icebergs. If you spent time honing your professional skills, you might say the following. I then recap and summarize or clarify, followed by asking for another summary of what we've discussed from another teammate. WebInterview question for Energy Audit Specialist.Explain something complicated to me in simple terms. Please use the Use simple present tense Simple present tense, as its name implies, is the simplest form of the verb used for current We might be able to solve. What is their preferred mode of communication? We all need a quick reminder sometimes. To help you communicate your points easily, we have compiled a few steps to help you out, but before we get down to it, here are some things you should know. One famous story that accurately describes this point is one of Gen. Stanley A. McChrystal. Sales interviews are changing. Remember that that most of an iceberg exists underwater and challenge yourself to say as little as possible. If the ship sailed too close to Charybdis, it was destroyed by a whirlpool that Charybdis created. You have tremendous clarity on what the one thing you want the team to remember is. But humans like to think, solve problems, and make connections. \ For example, if you and Steve (who recommended you) worked together previously, or if you met him over coffee at a networking event, mention it to give yourself a little more credibility. So i sat for a little bit - not too long - and realized I just needed to start covering the basics, and then feel my way forward from there. Let your interviewer know that your gap year wasnt about procrastinating over your transition from childhood to adulthood, but that it added value to the confident professional you have become. IT workers must keep up to date with the latest technology trends and evolutions, as well as developing soft skills like project management, presentation and persuasion, and general management. Good job. An analogy involves explaining an unfamiliar concept in terms of a familiar one. Example: During my last year of high school, I didnt feel ready to choose my educational path, so I took a wilderness course for a few months to sort out my life goals. Many positions require you to work collaboratively with other people on a daily basis, while some roles require you to work on your own. Web7 sample answers to Describe a time when you have a simple solution to a complex problem.. Since you are trying to be professional, you should consider those who Great job! At Ernst & Young, for my CA articleship interview. Interviewer: So, have you applied anywhere else? Me: Yes sir, I've applied to a couple of other Just break it down in simple terms and give them more credit than you initially want to. I provided packets with charts and graphs to complement my presentation, and focus mostly on the how the product would be a beneficial solution to their needs while breaking down how the components worked at their more basic level rather than the intricate changes in technology. Put your hand on a hot stove for a minute, and it seems like an hour. Sit with a pretty girl for an hour, and it seems like a minute. That's relat Well, what you do is pretty specific. What does the 'child' already know that can be leveraged? His article on the Nova Scotia victim graves appeared in the October 1999 issue of American Funeral Director. Herein lies a true trick of the trade: Presenting information is never about the presenterits always about the audience. If youre applying for other jobs, say so. Make sure the people who heard your explanation truly did understand it. The questions include: Where your work meets your life. WebTake a free trial. Example: Last year, my team won an award for most innovative process improvement. Employers will always ask this question because every position is budgeted, and they want to ensure your expectations are consistent with that budget before moving forward. Briefly explain the achievement, your role in it and why it is valuable to you. But wait! you might say. Here are 19 of the most common interview questions youll likely be asked in your next interview: 1. TIP 1: Think before you start talking Perhaps the most important thing is to collect your thoughts before you start talking. When a concept is unfamiliar or complex, or the terminology is technical, analogies can come to the rescue. Just like the story of Albert Einstein, he gradually broke down the explanation from a complex one up until he used a relatable example to illustrate his points. You want to convince the hiring manager that you chose their company, over all other companies, for a few specific reasons. Think of it as your MVEyour Minimum Viable Explanation. TechRepublic Premium content helps you solve your toughest IT issues and jump-start your career or next project. You are likely to find that you end up. This is to say that if we rely on data and detail to learn, we naturally tend to provide data and detail when we explain. Be careful, though: If the lite version does even one thing thats missing from the professional version, theres no longer a subset/superset relationship. He is a Certified Recruitment Specialist (CRS) and has expert experience in prospecting new business, client retention/renewals and managing top performing sales and recruitment teams. All that is required is that it be complex, and that you explain it in simple terms.Remember, to receive credit for this assignment, your response must be written in fewer than 150 words . Second, you need practice explaining things to people for whom this is pretty alien. Instead of pointing fingers, my first reaction was to take a step back and figure out some strategies around how we could we solve the problem at hand. You cant hide poor or boring content behind a If youre explaining a new release of a software product, the comparison is easy. This is best when you have been pre-informed about the people you are meeting, but in impromptu situations, you can do a quick assessment. To minimize confusion and misunderstanding, try to paraphrase or summarize a question before you answer it. Simplifying does not mean "dumbing down". This will help you know how deeply they can dive with you. When you prepare this way, you are ready to walk just about anyone through your presentation with ease. Obviously this whole Einstein and the blind man story is an analogy that works brilliantly. This goes to say that as much as your delivery is necessary, the information being passed across needs to be apt. Symptoms of such behavior include the use of jargon and acronyms. It comes down to keeping it simple and talking in their terms while remembering what motivates them: sales, operations, or what have you. Ive found it really helps me prioritize what needs to get done first, and it holds me accountable for the more repetitive day-to-day tasks Im responsible for.. Whats the difference? Employers want to know how people used their time differently. Remember, the people youre talking to probably lack your specialized knowledge, so you should use readily understandable terms. His speaking engagements include conventions and meetings of the Pennsylvania Credit Union Association, P4A, PaSAE, Association of School Business Officials International, Association of Information Technology Professionals (AITP) and the Pennsylvania Association of School Business Officials. Provide a short explanation of why you decided to pursue a gap year, then focus on what came out of it that made a positive difference for your future. The purpose of this page is to help you prepare for your job interview. The required skills match well with the skills I have, and it seems like a great opportunity for me to contribute to your mission, as well as a great next move for my career.. One request you can expect from interviewers is to explain a concept or topic to them. We bring you news on industry-leading companies, products, and people, as well as highlighted articles, downloads, and top resources. Also, remember this doesn't have to be a real experience - they don't know. Suite 600 Honesty is the best policy. Does it align with the direction you want to take your career? To help you prepare for your next job interview, here are 25 interview questions and answer examples focused on how competent you are in your profession. Youve probably seen the famous illusion that looks like either a young woman or an old woman. SLAs streamline operations and allow both parties to identify a proper framework for ensuring business efficiency Calvin Sun helps organizations improve their performance, by addressing communications, customer service and leadership. Example: That test was simple. Therefore, giving them room to process a particular thought from your whole idea does the trick efficiently. Interviews can be high stress, anxiety-driving situations, especially if its your first interview. M5J 2L7. You dont want to turn your response into a directionless ramble. Your example is less relevant than how effectively you are able to communicate it. Thanks, Lauren! Some breathing exercises may be of help as well as meditating (not worrying) about your presentation. Find the most complex way to give a full and complete explanation, then for each bit assign a necessity value for how important it is. Second, we tend to relay concepts to others in the manner we are most comfortable receiving information. Many explainers try to lighten the cognitive load for the audience by explaining it all. In this clip from the iPhone launch, see how Jobsbegins his summary and conclusion of the whole pitch, at the smallest level of detail and work back up to theBig Ideajust before he unveils the price: Your answer should be concise and direct. All of this for free 5 times a day with a limit of 5000 words per process. The feature helps a person for Energy Audit Specialist.Explain something complicated to me in simple terms person. To be a good example, YouTube was described as `` the of. The latter was a conscientious objector Reviewed the Above answer audience something to think about ;,! To cut down on the audience than the presenter ; therefore, you practice... Knowing the context with which to deliver your points want to give an excellent presentation similar question is! 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