d. Reinstruct the client on use of collection container for next bowel movement. Which of the following should the nurse include in the planning? It is unusual to feel dizzy while having a bowel movement. B. b. b. Decreasing fluid intake to 1,000 mL a. Ignore the change in volume of the steel. b. Nurses should recommend avoiding the habitual use of laxatives. A client with renal impairment Once the enema solution is introduced, the patient reports severe cramping. b. soap ", A. a. Yogurt and buttermilk The nurse is assessing a client for constipation. B. 20-30 g. While reading a client's history, the nurse notes that a client has a colostomy. Which of the following info should the nurse include? Chronic Constipation "The client uses spray deodorant several times an hour to mask odor." a. A. Which of the following strategy should she include illustrate the concept of joint protection? a. a. increases the volume of the stool, making defecation easier A. A. "Bowel sounds auscultated. D. Whole grains d. administration of a large-volume enema 2. B. use honey on toast. e. clay colored, the nurse insert the tubing into the rectum? D. Notify the doctor. \text { kerat/o } & \text { trich/o } & \text {-ic } & & \\ An episode of diarrhea A client has a PRN prescription for ondansetron (Zofran). A nurse is preparing to administer a cleansing enema to a patient who is prone to more fecal incontinence due to poor sphincter control and is unlikely to retain the enema solution. How should the nurse best respond to this client's statement? What is the next step for the nurse? b. c. Clients with food intolerances may experience altered bowel elimination. e. yellow, The student nurse has completed a presentation to a group of senior citizens on colorectal screening. C. 6 D. Fleet. Connect all catheters and drains to a single collection device. a. Notify the primary care provider that the stoma is prolapsed. 150 to 200 mL Hematest-positive nasogastric tube drainage 3. b. The student instructed the client to urinate before beginning the focused assessment. 1- Alcohol consumption 2- Activity levels 3- Usual pattern of elimination 4- Current medications 3 The nurse is teaching a client with an ostomy how to change the pouching system. D. Blood-tinged mucus, C. Frequent swallowing and clearing of the throat, A nurse is completing the admission assessment of a client who has a kidney stone. D. Kosher chicken breast and boiled potatoes. Keep going until enema is finished c. prune juice with breakfast ____________________ Refrigerators and storage cabinets will be able to order foodstuffs online beforethecookknows\underline{\text{before the cook knows}}beforethecookknows the supply is low. 10 B. Select all that apply. Diarrhea commonly occurs with amoxicillin clavulanate use, If a patient was instructed to avoid foods that may have a laxative effect, the nurse would advise the patient to avoid which of the following foods? Children in the United States experience, on average, 1.3-2.3 episodes of diarrhea each year. A nurse is assisting a patient to empty and change an ostomy appliance. Continue infusing at a faster rate to finish the enema quicker. c. Encouraging a generous fluid intake if not contraindicated by the patient's condition. a. administration of a small-volume enema Consume foods that are low in fiber content. Ensure that the client fasts 6 to 12 hours before the test as per policy. A. a. A nurse in a provider's office is obtaining a history from a client who is being evaluated for benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH). The client drinks 8 glasses of fluid daily. (Select all that apply) A. b. Mrs. Lonte tells you she is hungary What important information should be included in the teaching? Which factor is most likely the cause of his UTI? a. "It depends on which testing developer is used." A nurse is reinforcing teaching for a client who has rheumatoid arthritis about self-care techniques. b. black 3. urinary elimination Empty the pouch when it is no more than half full. b. chicken (D) smooth. Which of the following is most likely to validate that a client is experiencing intestinal bleeding? d. to assure a daily bowel movement c. Have the patient rest for 30 minutes to see if the prolapse resolves. Ignoring the urge to defecate. c. Clamp the tube for a brief period and resume at a slower rate. C. Hypertonic; Fleet's d. soap and water, What is the most common type of colostomy that needs to be irrigated to help promote regular evacuation of feces? What should the nurse do first? "This test will indicate if I have a parasite in my stool." B. a. Incontinence B. Malnutrition Which of the following information should the nurse include? A sterile specimen is required for collection. a. to promote optimal overall health by removing built-up toxins Onions and garlic Having Ms. young ignore the urge to void until her bladder is full A nurse is caring for a client who has major fecal incontinence and reports irritation in the perianal area. a. administration of an antidiarrheal drug and continuance of the amoxicillin c. Peptic Ulcer C. Increase cellulose and fluid in the diet 2. c. pseudoconstipation If unable to irrigate the tube, remove it and obtain an order for replacement. d. large-volume cleansing enema with hypotonic solution, A nurse is providing education to an older adult client concerning ways to prevent constipation. C. 1. c. Disconnect the nasogastric tube from the suction for 1 hour prior to the assessment of bowel sounds. c. The external meatus requirements cleaning with antiseptic soap and water before voiding The male urethra is more vulnerable to injury during inspection, A nurse is caring for a client following the surgical placement of a colostomy. What should the nurse include when planning this patient's care? 1 B. A. d. Position the client on his side and administer a glycerin suppository. Which of the following findings are indicative of this condition? C. Eggs a. When comparing the steps of a return-flow enema with a cleansing enema, what nursing intervention is unique to return-flow? Place the client on a bedpan in the supine position while receiving the enema. A nurse is assessing four female clients for obesity. \text { ichthy/o } & \text { seb/o } & \text {-graft } & \text {-rrhea } & \\ B. Inflamed and reddened throat TPN is administered through a large central blood vessel; The solution contains sugar, proteins, and fat for increased calories; tests to monitor blood and urine glucose levels will be done The nurse is caring for a burn client who is receiving total parenteral nutrition (TPN) at 75mL/hour. How far will the nurse insert the suppository? B. Which diet choices would support that the education was successful? On which body system is the patient experiencing symptoms that supports the nurse's suspicions? Which of the following have manifestations of obesity? A nurse is caring for a client who is at 20 weeks of gestation and reports constipation. A nurse is talking with a client who has gout. A. SSE This type contains digestive enzymes and acids that cause skin irritation, extra care is required to keep waste materials from contacting the abdominal surface. It has two openings through the one stoma - the proximal end drains stool while the distal portion drains mucus. A nurse is teaching a client who is to start taking clopidogrel. Select a bag with an appropriate size stomal opening Which statement about ostomy irrigation is true? c. "This test detects an iron compound in blood within the stool, called heme." Instruct the client about the use of a sequential compression device, A nurse is teaching an older adult client who reports constipation. The bridge can be removed in 7 to 10 days; typically temporary. A. Kidney beans B. Blackberries C. Refined cereals D. Whole wheat bread E. Lean turkey 7. Find the ones that present a topic, but not an idea. A nurse is teaching a patient with a new ileostomy about incorporating preventive strategies at home. A. Select all that apply. "You may have a continuous sensation of needing to void even though you have a catheter. 1. Fresh fruit & whole wheat toast 49. "Do you use anything to help move your bowels?" A. Cathartics a. Hyperactive bowel sounds b. d. Drink orange and grapefruit juice. c. The client takes bisacodyl every day. Reduce sodium intake. d. Reposition the rectal tube and check for any fecal content. b. pulling curtains around him to provide privacy during voiding a. Instruct to splint incision when coughing and deep breathing A. Backache b. Nasogastric tubes should not be irrigated. The nurse would intervene if which food item is included on the client's tray? a. mineral oil A risk that the peristomal skin will become excoriated c. Visible waves of abdominal peristalsis A. D. Reddened areas over bony prominences, B. B. Weakens the muscles and the natural ability to defecate As long as pure _________ soap is used, it is considered a safe procedure. c. Electrolyte imbalances 750 to 1000 mL b. a. Aspirin c. Iron supplements How often are your bowel movements? Which of the following interventions should the nurse include in the plan of care? Which is an effect of prolonged use of mineral oil to relieve constipation? d. ileum, A registered nurse is overseeing the care of numerous clients on an acute medicine unit. c. Lower the solution container and check the temperature and flow rate. B. d. physiologic or lifestyle changes in the client. b. reassuring the client that cramping is normal Nursing questions and answers. Which of the following symptoms should the nurse expect to find in the early stage of the disease? C. Increase exercise activity. c. The catheter is inserted 2" to 3" into to meatus B. Before administering this medication, the nurse should complete which priority assessment? Place the client on the left side position. Which finding would most likely contraindicate placement of a nasogastric (NG) tube by the nurse in this client? A nurse is preparing to administer a cleansing enema to a client. Scrambled eggs b. ascending colostomy A nurse is collecting a stool specimen of a client suspected of having Clostridium difficile. Which of the following adverse effects of calcium should the nurse suspect when the client reports having flank pain? A. d. Loperamide is an antimicrobial against bacterial and viral pathogens. a. E. Insert enema towards umbilicus, A nurse is to administer an oil-enema, tap-water enema, and a return-enema to 3 different patients. A nurse is reviewing the laboratory results of a male adult client who is at risk for peripheral arterial disease from atherosclerosis. D. Bradypnea, A nurse is caring for a client who has a left renal calculus and an indwelling urinary catheter. C. Refined cereals Which of the following assessment findings requires immediate intervention by the nurse? Which examples correctly describe these effects? a. a. Reassure the patient that this is a normal reaction to the procedure. Blood pressure The incontinence pattern c. A patient with post-radiation damage to the bowel \end{array} Abdominal pain 3. d. The student sequenced from auscultation to inspection, and percussion to palpation. The nurse identifies a patient with immobility is at risk for the development of urolithiasis. b. Which interventions are appropriate suggestions? Which of the following instruction should the nurse include in the teaching? Fundamentals Chapter 38: Bowel Elimination, Organizacin funcional y control del medio in, Edge Reading, Writing and Language: Level C, David W. Moore, Deborah Short, Michael W. Smith, The Language of Composition: Reading, Writing, Rhetoric, Lawrence Scanlon, Renee H. Shea, Robin Dissin Aufses, Literature and Composition: Reading, Writing,Thinking, Carol Jago, Lawrence Scanlon, Renee H. Shea, Robin Dissin Aufses, VO 8 - Gleichgewicht und Wohlfahrt bei vollko. e. Clients with lactose intolerance may experience diarrhea or gas when consuming starchy foods. Instruct to splint incision when coughing and deep breathing e. to promote optimal visualization of the colon during a colonoscopy. a. D. Supine in bed, with the neck flexed, C. Side-lying, with the head in a neutral position, ATI Urinary Elimination - practice assessment. What would be the nurse's first action in this situation? B. a. Administer a normal saline enema after obtaining the relevant order. d. "This will determine what foods I am allergic to that affect digestion. Which intervention is most important? B. Instill 200 mL of fluid every 15 mins. a. Gently work the finger around and into the hardened mass to break it up and then remove pieces of it. d. Perform stoma irrigation. B. The client presses the call bell and tells the nurse that about feeling dizzy. Which are responsibilities of the nurse for this testing? Insert the tip of the tubing 8 cm (3.1 cm). Skim milk. (Select all that apply). a. Oil-retention "I need to take a laxative such as milk of magnesia if I don't have a BM every day". a. Which type of solution does the nurse gather? Which type of enema should the nurse administer? b. Plans to eat 4 ounces of protein 3 times per day. b. Constipation D. Abdominal pain, Which enema would be used for fecal impaction? Results may be altered if a sample is left standing at room temperature for a long time. c. The student had the client flex the knees when performing the assessment. Select all that apply. 1 Inspection A nurse is teaching an older adult client who reports constipation. d. "Is the stool difficult to pass?" When the nurse discusses dietary changes that can help prevent constipation, which of the following foods should the nurse recommend? e. Bananas and applesauce are appropriate. Apply lubricant to the anus D. Review the pain scale, B. A steel container of mass 135g135 \mathrm{~g}135g contains 24.0g24.0 \mathrm{~g}24.0g of ammonia, NH3\mathrm{NH}_3NH3, which has a molar mass of 17.0g/mol17.0 \mathrm{~g} / \mathrm{mol}17.0g/mol. A nurse assesses the stool of patients who are experiencing gastrointestinal problems. If the patient was instructed to avoid foods that may have a laxative effect, the nurse would advise the patient to avoid which of the following foods? What teaching will the nurse provide? A nurse is planning to collect a stool specimen for ova and parasites from a client who has diarrhea. A. Excessive laxative use B. Do you take Pepto-Bismol? "I will need yearly screenings for colon cancer." A. A nurse is providing care for four clients on a medical surgical unit. A. Then calculate the velocity of each object after the collision for each situation. D. Administer fluid. d. Quickly and carefully remove tube while the client breathes out. What is the appropriate nursing response? A nurse is teaching a client who reports constipation about ways to increase dietary intake of fiber. Place the patient on the bedpan in dorsal recumbent position on bedpan. What should not be used on stomas? d. Left lateral, A client with no significant medical history reports experiencing diarrhea over the past week. A nurse is providing preoperative teaching for a client who is scheduled for a gastrectomy. Tap Water Maintenance of good posture A cleansing enema has been ordered for the client to draw water into the bowel. B. Select all that apply. A. d. "All four abdominal quadrants auscultated. Which factor is related to developmental changes in bowel habits for older adult clients? Identify the sequence of steps the nurse should take to properly administer the enema. d. anal yeast infection. Irrigate all catheters with sterile normal saline. d. "The client agrees to take prescribed antidepressants." b. A. Frequent urinary tract infections Pain at the surgical site A nurse is assisting with the implementation of a bowel training program for a client. A nurse is providing teaching to a client who has a new colostomy about proper care. A nurse is scheduling tests for a patient who has been experiencing epigastric pain. (a) The moving object is twice the mass of the stationary object. A. (Select all that apply) e. Cucumber. For which adverse effect would the nurse monitor in this patient? C. "You will be instructed to limit your fluid intake after the procedure." During the procedure the patient tells the nurse she is feeling dizzy and nauseated, and then vomits. A nurse is establishing health promotion goals for a female client who smokes cigarettes, has hypertension, and has a BMI of 26. What outcome does the nurse identify that will be optimal for this client? c. antibiotic-associated diarrhea. C. Inadequate fluid intake. Green A saline osmotic laxative The provider prescribes warfarin PO without discontinuing the heparin. Stoma - the proximal end drains stool while the client fasts 6 to 12 before! Best respond to this client 's statement the nasogastric tube drainage 3. B altered bowel elimination symptoms. Empty the pouch when it is no more than half full impairment Once the enema `` the client about use! Deodorant several times an hour to mask odor. the solution container and check temperature! Habitual use of collection container for next bowel movement collect a stool of! The use of a sequential compression device, a client with no significant medical reports! Void even though you have a catheter is providing preoperative teaching for a client who has.! Buttermilk the nurse include in the planning Clamp the tube for a client for constipation apply ) a nurse is teaching a client who reports constipation b. Lonte! 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