Queens are 9-8 in their road games against the spread. LOCATION: Donald L. Tucker Center in Tallahassee, Florida. This isn't exactly welcome for such a slow brick with a big squishy snoot to boop. California's citadel (in yellow) is fully submerged well below the waterline. California has a boring ol' 14% healed over 28s, not the 16.8% of the KGVs and Hood, the 40% Nelson or even Colorado's 18.48%. Be careful on saying the ship is good because it's performing well. Most of her teeth come from her 40mm Bofors and 20mm Oerlikons, barring a CV being gracious enough to face-plant into a flak-cloud. These do not survive long under HE fire and even cursory smattering of HE rounds will quickly reduce the effectiveness of her AA and open her up to the potential of air-attack. In Florida, life is good. Thanks for your hard work. VERDICT: Honestly, some of the best AA defence we've seen in a long time. I'm kinda shocked. Florida Scoring. Florida man, Florida man Guess the tune. The following is a review of USS Florida, the tier VII American premium battleship. I did not pay fo Great work . as usual. Thank you @LittleWhiteMouse. Once you get past MO, then you enjoy shelling APs at broadside of whatever that comes into the harbor. Softer-skinned than contemporary battleships with 25mm extremities. At best, you might be able to setup an ambush and catch someone unawares but that's not likely to happen -- again because of that lack of speed. Thank you for everything. And thank you all for reading. Short of adding a turtleback, it's as well protected as you could hope it to be. Heres how you can watch Mondays game: UNC-FLORIDA STATE TV, RADIO, AND STREAMING INFORMATION. The ship is showing to be in the top part of her class per the numbers so far. experience with Arizona down at tier VI. Taylor Jones. I just came to read another review by LWM, and donot have Florida, but I have been farming in Narai since other farming OPs were taken down. Where she stands head and shoulders above many reviewers is that she lays out all the high and low points, so that the intelligent reader can decide for themselves whether it's a ship they want for the game they prefer to play. You have to be dynamic with shell choice. Arizona is "long ranged" for a tier VI battleship once you install Gun Fire Control System Modification 1, so you largely duplicate California's schtick there too. All you really need to know are the battleship basics: use the correct ammo, beware of flashing your sides, try not to get left behind. Okay fine Germany get's 1/4 that allows theirs to even wreck BB's when they hit weaker armour spots, fine, USN 127 mm guns should still have some decent range and be able to aim someplace they do damage on non-DD's and not just be fire starters. Colorado at least manages 19.2 knots under heavy manoeuvres. As for the ship herself, WG pitched her at someone who wants a moderately fast (not quite 30kt, but not 20 either) US BB with lots of gun barrels at Tier 7. In Florida, the water is generally colder than in California. I think they are some of the most interesting warships of the Second World War. All of Arizona's decks are 26mm). If she can't be powerful, she needs to be interesting and she fails at that utterly. Heres how you can watch Mondays game: UNC-FLORIDA STATE TV, RADIO, AND STREAMING INFORMATION. Arizona's weapons are amazing at tier VI. Had she been strong, I think I could have just sat aside and let people discover that for themselves. California is a slow reloading, reasonably accurate 356mm armed battleship. However, she has enough problems already without considering CV strikes. Florida basketball got back on the winning track on Tuesday night with a 77-67 win over the Georgia Bulldogs on the road in the penultimate regular-season game for the Gators. Though I can agree Atlanta would probably be better thanks to her ability to farm transports and DDs with her 127mm daka. Make it that maybe it's worth making a sneakierBB build to sort of flank an enemy team when in a faster one then surprise them., Unless you remove skill entirely - there will never be no 'optimal build' for a ship, even a type may still have one that is considered overall 'better' than the others - but they can at least make it choosing to run secondary build on German and French BB's is a choice in style more than a handicap. WG executive 1: "Hmm, not enough suckers are buying this new ship. By Although nothing can beat Atlanta in Narai in terms of farming potential, I think Florida is one of the OK BBs to use in Narai. Skills started to become stale when BB's started loosing the ability to just soak and eat damage, when DD's and Cruisers lost some of their stealth ability, when changes were made again and again that pushed gameplay to a more static state.. Over on the defensive end, the Panthers You probably want, Arizona & California's Main Battery Differences. Flak Bursts: 5 explosions for 1,400 damage per blast at 3.5km to 5.8km.Long Ranged (up to 5.8km): 137 dps at 75% accuracyMedium Ranged (up to 3.5km): 364 dps at 75% accuracyShort Ranged (up to 2.0km): 490dps at 70% accuracy. As good as California's lateral protection is, her big weak spot is her bow. Florida played solid defense throughout the night, holding Georgia to 33.3 percent from the field and 18.2 percent from 3-point range (4-of-22) while recording 8 steals and 6 blocked shots. Summary so far: You're buying a longer-ranged Arizona. Native Californian) but she is a slow girl relegated to sitting amongst the transports. Very slow top speed of 20.5 knots and poor handling as a result despite her smaller turning circle radius. The most pressing thing to worry about when playing Florida is her citadel. Unlike the other "sniper" battleships like Slava and Champagne, the "softness" of Florida's hull is barely a concern. The 25mm extremities which damn her higher tiered cousins do not apparently have a lower-tier equivalency. I was expecting Florida to appear with 19mm of extremity armour but she instead clones the higher tiered ship weakness with 25mm instead. Given that all of the other tier VI and VII battleships are rocking 26mm worth of extremity plate, the loss of a single millimeter is not that much of a drawback. At most, this makes Florida slightly more vulnerable to HE shells from small and medium caliber guns -- specifically 152mm HE shells from tiers VII and below do not need to reach for Inertial Fuse for HE Shells in order to stack direct damage against Florida as they would against her tier-mates. Similarly, Florida is vulnerable to 120mm HE shells with Inertial Fuse for HE Shells. That's really the extent this soft skin provides in terms of vulnerability. Otherwise her superstructure, upper hull and amidships deck all conform to normal parameters for a tier VII battleship. I'm getting a lot of mileage out of this graphic. This speaks a lot to how badly the skill system needs to be reworked given how optimized skill choices have become, That would be great - but they'd have to actually fix the gameplay and change some ships to actually get us to a point there isn't just one optimized loadout.. Florida struggles even more. Don't brawl. You'll die. Overall, the ships are very comparable in terms of their protection and durability. The Roma is performing fairly well compared to other tier 8 BB's and she is far from the strongest with some incredibly glaring weaknesses. After an impressive week that saw the Tigers go 3-1-1, Auburn begins a new week by welcoming in Florida A&M to Plainsman Park for a California, like most of her standard battleship relatives, features a 26mm bow, stern, and most of her deck. While at lower tiers this may be enough to deflect enemy fire, the normalization of the 406mm or higher guns at tier VIII and IX means that players will have to be careful in engagements against most higher tier battleships. I have no idea why Wargaming didn't provide her with the tech-tree style energy preservation. Something not really mentioned is her torpedo protection, though probably not needed due to her low HP. That 26% really doesn't amount to much as even a single torpedo from any of the ships you face there will hurt, especially if it hits an unprotected spot. You will need to avoid being torpedoed with her much more than any other BB. A salvo from the Campbeltown will cripple you, even if it all goes into the torpedo belt. Eat a salvo from the Farragut, and you are going to be in very bad shape. A salvo from Gallant will pretty much end your run. If either Farragut or Gallant hit you with a full (both launchers) salvo, your run is over, even at 100%. They have averaged 3.5 goals per game (35 total) over that stretch. California is a longer ranged Arizona with slightly improved damage output between better AP shells and a faster reload. She doesn't have improved heals like the British battleships. As much as I would like to be excited about her range, she needs it or the ship simply doesn't work. This might have meant something back before the CV rework, but it's a joke currently. Irrelevant trivia time. There is a 16mm hidden plate dividing the upper and lower parts of Florida's citadel. The line of it can be found between her 285mm upper belt the 213mm of her lower belt. You are usually not shot at by much due to how target selection of bots works, so Florida's armor won't be a big issue even with the short combat range in OPs. (Arizona has a strip of 37mm armour above her belt while California's upper hull is only 26mm). This is the first meeting of the season between the two programs both coming off of big, emotional wins. On the other hand, Well, this accidentally turned into a much longer review than I had intended. I was originally just going to line up Florida alongside California, compare the two and then pull a surprise-reveal that they both suck equally. Instead, I learned last week that Ship Comrade, the site run by @Critter8 that has hosted my reviews since the first quarter of 2016 was going to close down. Instead of working on how to cleverly cast shade on anyone that enjoyed either one of these tier VII American premium battleships, I spent the better part of two days going through years worth of archived jpegs and text, reflecting on the years I've spent writing for World of Warships and all of the help, support and encouragement Critter8 provided me. AP penetration is more of a contentious issue for Florida. Louisiana: $2,546. I have always been enjoying your reviews, LittleWhiteMouse. Florida had a cumulative rate as much as 84% higher than Californias last fall. And I'm a Native CAn. You see, the normal American tech-tree battleships have an artificial boost added to their engines -- they don't bleed speed like normal battleships do. Once again, here are some dispersion tests. LittleWhiteMouse, July 2, 2020 in General Game Discussion. All things told, it's not bad for helping keep shells out (especially when angling). Big, punchy guns are a must. I prefer durability to agility, but I need one of those two elements to be present. If a battleship can't manage these things, they've got a big, uphill battle to win my affections. Some of them still manage it. Scharnhorst, for example, doesn't have the main battery guns to wow me, but she still pulls off a win between her secondaries, fish and the combination of speed and tankiness. I've tried to keep an open mind while play testing Florida, but good gravy, my time in her has not been pleasant. I'm under no illusions that this is very clearly a me problem. Florida herself is a well balanced ship. I just hate her. She doesn't have any one element of this trifecta that I enjoy in my battleships. They are held in all 50 states and all Canadian provinces. Open water stealth wasn't great - but if you put points in to gunnery on even IJN DD's you could still get a lot out of them firing briefly than vanishing again. Coz no mehbote to gudbote rating. USN could choose between type of plane, type of ordnance, etc. California's AP penetration is okay. This is why I took issue with West Virginia appearing in her Pearl Harbor mien and not that of Surigao Strait. Quick Summary: A tier VII, prototype version of the North Carolina-class battleship with twelve 356mm guns instead of nine 406mm guns. She's highly accurate but her guns don't hit very hard, even for 356mm rounds. On top of this, she's super squishy. However this gap isn't quite as pronounced as the difference in speed would suggest as Arizona has higher Krupp, a coefficient WG uses to directly modify penetration values. Florida is 10-6 when scoring more than 69.3 points. Phenomenal AA power is watered down more heavily than American Lite Beer. If for any particular reason I needa fast American battleship, I have Georgia.. The Gators average only 0.2 more points than the Wildcats allow (69.3). They'd have to, after more than 4 years, maybe 5 at this point, adjust BB's to take slightly less damage from fires (instead of the 18% that has caused contention since day 1, more so after IFHE, knock it down to at least 15%, much as I'd prefer 12) which would help cut down on the actual need for survivability builds being standard. Queens are 3-2 in their last 5 games against the spread. But seeing how she was being released reminded me of why I write these reviews in the first place: To protect other players from making bad purchases. UNC heads to Tallahassee to face Florida State (9-20, 7-11) on Monday (7 p.m., ESPN) in the final road game of the regular season. Looking at the charts, i'm surprised how average Poltava is. She's the worst at turning but its kinda funny how middling Poltava turned out to be. You can largely forget applying those brawling skills or getting to cap or even angling to mitigate damage -- it's just not applicable. The following is a review of California, the tier VII American battleship. This ship has been provided to me by Wargaming for evaluation purposes - I imagine I would like it a lot more than Rado or Calibut, certainly not more than Scharnhorst., Fun things I learned in training matches this week. i feel like its an insult to the playerbase that WG expects people to actually spend about 50 bucks on this garbage, truly a waste of devs time and money but isnt that par for the course with WG nowadays? Why she has such high reload on such small guns at tier 7 when the similarly armed 356mm KGV has a 25 second reload AND has the 1/4 pen British HEHeck even if they'd given her 28 second reload it would make sensebut in all she offers so little compared to the Arizona but worse matchmaking makes her a pointless port queen of a ship. For me, Lyon is the best BB for Narai, Ashitaka being the second, due to their speed and DPM. Take these values with a pinch of salt. This is not accounting for such factors as accuracy, penetration, overmatch, normalization, etc. In terms of raw DPM, yes, Florida lags behind. She's also hurting when it comes to overmatching targets, especially when she's middle or bottom tier. However, her penetration is decent and her accuracy is good, offsetting these factors somewhat but only against select targets. More on this later. Tier VII battleship. Absolutely. February 28, 2023 11:24 am ET. We already got that game play and at a better price and matchmaking. But the winter surge slammed California, and that gap narrowed to 11%. Florida, on the other hand, would be much more enjoyable if Double Down, Ohio! Are they good enough to be tier VII guns? The dark red is 343mm thick while the orange strip at the bottom is where it tapers to 273mm. Despite constant suggestions to give her improved accuracy and/or range on her secondaries, Wargaming wouldn't budge on keeping them standardized. Most, if not all,also need their alpha nerfed slightly so they aren't deleting cruisers quite the same way they are now (enough that basically instead of say 2 citadels and 4 overpens to destroy a cruiser you'd need 2-3 of those overpens to be solid hits). Let's start with Florida's secondaries, because they're kind of neat in a pointless, fun bit of trivia kind of way. If you're struggling to see a difference in as clinical and sterile a trial as this, you have no hope of feeling the difference through normal game play. Another review done really well. Thanks for your hard work. She has greatly improved anti-aircraft firepower and she's more stealthy. The difference in penetration performance between California and Florida is manifold. Their shells have different masses (555kg for Florida vs 680.4kg for California), different shell velocities due to different drag coefficients (0.271 for Florida vs 0.331 for California) and different Krupp values (2,945 for Florida vs 2,545 for California). Florida's fire angles are decent. They're not good -- good is a 300 fire arc or more, but she's not as appalling as some of the ships I've dealt with recently. I just wish her turret traverse was better. I won't be purchasing her. The sales tax in Florida is 6% whereas in California it is 7.25%. TV: ESPN ( Watch and stream the game live on ESPN+) RADIO: Tar Heel Sports Network. Base/Minimum Surface Detection: 13.86km / 12.1kmBase/Minimum Air Detection Range: 10.08km/9.07kmDetection Range When Firing in Smoke: 12.01kmMaximum Firing Range: Between 18.62km and 25.92km, Flordia's concealment values are pretty darned good. She doesn't quite get into that magical sub-12km surface detection range which is quite impressive for a battleship, but at least she gets close. Given her preferred engagement distance, it's pretty easy for this ship to drop off from detection range in typical encounters -- especially given her long reload. If she had a bit more grunt in her engines, controlling the engagement through use of her stealth would be a lot more feasible, but her 27 knot top speed just isn't enough to kite away from all of the battleships she faces, to say nothing of cruisers and destroyers.. Of 37mm armour above her belt while California 's citadel this graphic durability agility! It can be found between her 285mm upper belt the 213mm of her teeth come her! 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