He takes all of my evidence, expert opinions and theories and really examines them in detail," Zellner said. "I know you keep defending your crime mob department saying that people dont know all the facts and by discrediting the documentary, but whether he is guilty or not, how in the hell do you and your mobsters sleep at night? The Hermann boys was saved, largely thanks to Bushman, although everyone helped, including then Sheriff Kocourek, who downright refused assistance from the Wisconsin State Patrol's Technical Crash Reconstruction Experts (Pg. "I would never travel to your town as it is apparent there is a lot of corruption in the sheriffs office, the disgraceful prosecutor, and even the judges, including the appellate courts It is truly unbelievable that your community could make such a travesty of the judicial system. A review of the department's many different negligent driving incidents prior to Ricky, as well as an examination of how, post Ricky's death, his mother eventually caught the Manitowoc County Sheriff's Department in a bold faced lie regarding their investigative efforts into her son's hit and run. I just can't be sure if it happens at the state of Wisconsin appeals level, the state Supreme Court level or before a federal court. By accepting all cookies, you agree to our use of cookies to deliver and maintain our services and site, improve the quality of Reddit, personalize Reddit content and advertising, and measure the effectiveness of advertising. As a result, the culture of corruption fostered and nurtured under Kocourek's watch (from 1978-2001) was kept alive by Ken "we could have killed Steven Avery" Petersen, who succeeded Kocourek as Sherrif and was in charge of MCSD at the time of Steven Avery's 2003 exoneration and Teresa Halbach's disappearance and death in 2005. Its flowing in pretty good yet," he said. And Surprise! This is PART TWO in a three part series of posts concerning the troubling history of Manitowoc County Sheriff's Department as detailed by Jxxx Ferak in his book "Wrecking Crew." Obligatory: Any factual inaccuracies are mine, not Ferak's. Here is a link to PART ONE: Fuck-ups, Cover-ups and Promotions, largely concerning Sheriff Kocourek and his repeated promotions to inexperienced new hires . IMO the evidence strongly suggests that Bushman, Lenk and Colborn covered up evidence of a crime at the Kuss road cul-de-sac (Teresa's scent and the scent of death were emanating from the burial site). Notably, both cadaver dogs and bloodhounds independently made their way to the scene, which meant the burial site was emanating the scent of decomposition as well as Teresa's scent, likely because her decomposing remains were present at the burial site. Bushman then let Hermann drive off with the improperly collected parts in his own personal vehicle (Pg. "I would be fearful to ever take my family on a trip and stop in your county to even get fuel. Like Kocourek and Petersen before him, Sheriff Hermann made sure the upper echelon of the MCSD contained a bastion of loyalists, family and friends. No investigation was done into the matter because the County didn't want to know if Petersen was responsible for a vehicular manslaughter. 1/9/2016 12:30 AM PT. Seems about right. I will also draw many connections between the Manitowoc County, Calumet County, and the DOJ in the interest of highlighting just how tangled this web is. '", 13. Just to set the stage a bit - The Kuss road incident has long been a famous unresolved mystery of this case, and for good reason. They have to realize the separation between a museum and a judicial issue. After arriving at the hit and run scene Officer Bushman quickly called the older Hermann brother, an off-duty Lieutenant, and asked that he come to the scene. In 1999 the Hermann brothers (the ones who worked at MCSD) became unofficial suspects in a vehicular homicide of Ricky Hotchstetler, a case for which Sheriff Kocourek named Bushman as lead investigator. The pair collided with a second motorcycle operated by their friend who was traveling with them in the same direction. (The commenters) only connection to knowing anything about Manitowoc is Netflix and then going on social media. Popular Services. Representatives of the Manitowoc County Historical Society, along with the Chamber of Manitowoc County, Manitowoc Area Visitor and Convention Bureau and other local leaders met Wednesday to discuss ways to bring a positive focus back to the community. As far as I can tell, it started with the Hermann father joining the department in 1962, all while remaining president of Cleveland Auto Salvage. From Zellner's investigative instincts to Avery's current standing in the court system to a detailed analysis of the accusations against former prosecutor Ken Kratz, Ferak covers a variety of new angles in the book and expands on the key points that make the case so polarizing. And of course, the crime lab reported nothing was found at the burial site. Bushmans accident was brought before the County's Accident Review Board, which quickly concluded no action would be taken, and that Sgt. In this case, surely the state knew to expect intense adversarial challenges if they were going to arrest Steven Avery. Its a shame theyre making money off it at the expense of the Halbach family. By rejecting non-essential cookies, Reddit may still use certain cookies to ensure the proper functionality of our platform. Honestly though, someone tell me, in what universe is that ^ level of destruction necessary when processing a crime scene that wasn't even properly photographed yet? Since the vast majority of cases are based on circumstantial evidence (like Steven's case) everyone must accept we can't ever know exactly what happened. Just before Steven's trial began in 2007 a member of the Hermann family finally became Sheriff, and immediately promoted his younger brother to Deputy Inspector of Operations - third in command of the entire Department. she asked, referencing Avery's$36 million civil lawsuit against the county for hiswrongful conviction. Steve Curtis Thompson II was convicted in Moore County, North Carolina, of voter registration fraud after voting twice in the 2012 general election. In their latest vendetta against alleged injustice, supposed members of the hacktivist group Anonymous have pledged to expose corruption in the Manitowoc County Sheriff's Department. She was hearing a lot of skepticism around town. It said it would get involved in the legal dispute between the Manitowoc County Sheriff Department and Steven Avery to reveal police corruption. "We just finished learning about the Teresa Halbach murder case. Im not sure I can look my kids in the eye and believe my own words anymore. Kocourek's legacy of corruption continued thriving thanks to Petersen becoming Sheriff. In 2016 especially and also in 2017, I made countless trips to the Manitowoc County Courthouse and to the Avery Salvage Yard, as well as to the Manitowoc County government building, where I reviewed hundreds and hundreds of employee personnel records for Manitowoc County Sheriff's Department officials, past and present. 4. 86): Ferak included an excerpt from a Wisconsin State Patrol Incident Report, which states: Manitowoc County Sgt. I hope that detective Lenk and Goulburn (sic) rot in hell as it is almost certain that they are behind this corruption and lies I hope use (sic) all cant sleep at night and justice comes your way. So yes, both the MCSD and Wisconsin DOJ wanted Steven's lawsuit to fail more than they wanted justice to be served to Teresa and her family. ADRC of the Lakeshore ; Crime Stoppers ; Foster Care Program Meyer and a volunteer spent time during the holidays deleting posts and trying to rebound from reviews that include statements such as, What an embarrassment. Keep up the good work! Not to mention, Hermann's decidedly unique access to nearly unlimited car parts from his family's Auto Salvage Yard fits in with such theories (again, I want to note such conspiracies originated in the community long ago, not on reddit after MAM). Feraks identifies the Petersen incident as a "successful whitewash for Kocourek.". Manitowoc County Departments Our purpose is to improve the quality of life in Manitowoc County by providing effective, high quality, and responsive public services that promote the prosperity, self-sufficiency, and well-being of individuals, families, businesses, and communities. All of these whispers caught the attention of lead investigator Bushman, who knew from Kocourek how to deal with citizens spreading rumors of corruption. Shannon Bolick, 29, a legal assistant at a law firm just down the street from the courthouse, had seen the first three episodes when approached by a reporter. Its unfortunate the word Manitowoc is causing some such grief, but again, these are people feeling that way from watching a television show, he said. But still, "as far as the show goes, I wouldn't trust that guy. Sheriff at the time of Steven's 1985 wrongful arrest and conviction. Like Bushman, Petersen was quickly hired despite his total lack of experience in LE. What originally drew you to the case of Avery? Why would ANYONE want to call this place home?, The nonprofit organization even tried telling commenters its Facebook page wasnt the right place for a discussion about Making a Murderer., We thought the comments would then stop, Meyer said. I would also hope they look at someone like Kathleen Zellner as a real hero, a champion for society's downtrodden and people who are stuck in prison for very heinous crimes, terrible crimes, awful crimes, that somebody else likely committed. MANITOWOC, WI - Manitowoc County Sheriff's Lt. Andrew "Andy" Colborn, who was at the center of widespread evidence planting and police misconduct allegations in the Oct. 31, 2005 Teresa Halbach . This needlessly destructive method of recovery ensured no meaningful examination could ever take place. The DOJ then destroyed the burn pit all together (like straight up demolished it) ensuring no forensic examination could ever take place, thereby protecting Manitowoc County's frame job from crumbling. Truly shameful.". Cookie Notice In short - MCSD did the framing and the DOJ tied up the loose ends, thereby cooperating to orchestrate one of the worst injustices the state of Wisconsin has ever seen - the second wrongful conviction of Steven Avery; the first wrongful conviction of Brendan Dassey; and the continued blight the state of Wisconsin must endure with a murderer very likely walking around free (exactly like when Gregory Allen walking around free after Steven's 1985 case). Bushman had the Hermann family to thank for getting the job, and Kocourek to thank for his many career advancements. The vast majority of the emailswere harshly critical andsuggested the sheriff'sdepartment consists of crooked cops. People are seeing our community presented in a bad light by this show and its pretty unfair to the people who live here, said Jason Ring, president of the bureau. After all was said and done, Bushman didn't show up once after November 7, and never wrote a report about what he did at the scene on Kuss road (nor did Lenk or Colborn IIRC). 170) a bold but carefully worded statement. Bushman would retire soon after Kocourek; Ken Petersen would become Sheriff; Rob Hermann would become Under Sheriff; Gxxx Schetter was Deputy Inspector; and Detective Lenk would take over for Bushman as lead investigator of Ricky's hit and run homicide, making absolutely no progress on the case (Pg. I look forward to working with you and having you as my right-hand man.. This was the third day police were on the Avery property without anything being found inculpating Steven. I see him wearing old tattered blue jeans, tank tops and sandals. Sheriff at the time of Steven's 2003 exoneration / 2005 arrest for Teresa's murder. But Manitowoc residents say, not so fast. I see him leading a laid-back life and enjoying the solitude. ", 18. There are three different Sheriffs from Manitowoc County Sheriffs Department that get most of the attention / scrutiny in this series of posts: Kocourek and Petersen featured prominently in Part One; in Part Two, we learn who we have to thank for their good fortune within the department - the Hermann family. Everything your pathetic county stands for is forever tarnished with the mockery of justice that was promulgated in that courtroom. Why? The offered rationale is nearly non existent, and does nothing to explain where these car parts came from, if not the striking vehicle. Vandedrinck, who was visiting the city for work, said he had seen four episodes and is skeptical of its portrayal of events. Eventually townsfolk, including Ricky's parents, were openly discussing their suspicions of a police cover-up. "May God forgive the morally corrupt officers who participated in this case. 79) only 15 minutes from the Hermann family's Auto Salvage Business (yes, the same Hermann family whose son would eventually take over for Petersen as Sheriff). BUT that's jumping ahead a little bit too much. Four critical aspects of this corruption are: Fraudulent prosecutions (utilizing criminal conduct) that appear to be done as favors so that well-connected insiders can profit in the civil realm from the fraudulent criminal convictions. And if it's true that Bushman and crew found and removed evidence of Teresa's death at the burial site, we must include Bushman, Lenk and Colborn in our list of suspects for who planted the bones in Steven's burn pit. And justice was served.. Two years after Ricky's death (2001) Kocourek would retire and become an executive of the local Big Brothers and Big Sisters Program (where he would work alongside the wife of Calumet Investigator Mark Wiegert). I'll save that drama for PART THREE: "Thin Blue Lines and Suicides". The moment a corrupt leader enters the picture the corruption slowly becomes the culture in that department. 80-83): Gina Hxxxxx had accompanied her male companion on his motorcycle on a particularly foggy night. Nickels did not respond to multiple requests for comment. 166). He was hired immediately. The prevailing theory of police involvement (directly mentioned by Ferak in his book, Pg. As it relates to the January incident, Manitowoc police say what led to the exchange in a squad car . "[Making a Murderer] touched on some of my investigation and expert experiments but not in as much detail as the book. Organizations that had nothing to do with the cases have been feeling the backlash, too. After failing to find employment in his chosen field Petersen begrudgingly took a retail store job to make ends meet. Obligatory: any factual inaccuracies in the post are mine, not Feraks. And although she doesn't think it will affect the business in which she works, Cordova wondered if the series would deter people from visiting the county or the city. Steven Avery and Brendan Dassey are innocent. 20. Manitowoc County is now officially on the map for having the most corrupt (law enforcement officers) in the nation, congrats. First, Ricky's case, detailed in "Wrecking Crew" Chapter 15 (Cover-up) and Chapter 16 (Nothing There), Pages 147-165: One fateful night in January 1999 the snow was steadily coming down and while walking home at night, and less than a mile from his house, Ricky Hotchstetler was struck and killed by a suspected drunk driver who dragged the boy under their vehicle for nearly 50 yards, and then kept driving past the boy's house and away into the night towards the village of Cleveland in southern Manitowoc County (Pg. One thing Ferak does well in "Wrecking Crew" is detail how corruption flourished in the MCSD for decades, eventually becoming a contributing factor to Averys 2007 conviction for Teresa Halbach's murder. She was there at one point. But we are dealing with the state of Wisconsin, a place I lived and worked at two different times in my life, and for that reason, I would say it's 50-50. ", 2. People are fascinated with this now, but give them a month and theyll have other television shows to be worried about.. In this post I've continued with the theme of officers covering up their negligent driving by focusing on another example relating to the Ricky Hotchstetler vehicular homicide case, a death that long ago inspired whispers in the community of a police cover-up, including from Ricky's mom and dad. The report in which the AG cleared MCSD of any wrongdoing or ethical violations (even though there was evidence the department knew Steven was innocent and Gregory Allen was guilty). No need to take to any photos. They only arrived at or around 3 p.m. Bushman, Colborn and Lenk had plenty of time to fuck with the scene or make evidence disappear. As it so happens, Bushman and Kocourek were eventually provided with an opportunity to pay the Hermann father back for jump-starting / advancing their lucrative careers in law enforcement. As a result we are free to draw an adverse inference from their decision to not investigate the matter, which might indicate consciousness of potential culpability by Petersen. 80). This burial site fiasco likely culminated in MCSD planting the bones in Steven's burn pit. Jost, along with agents from the DOJ, ensured the bones were quickly collected using shovels, boxes and garbage bags, all without any photos or measurements being taken or experts being called to forensically examine the scene. I truly wonder about the way justice is meted out in Wisconsin and Manitowoc County in particular. huge amount of activity was directed at the Kuss road burial site on Nov 7, 2005. literally demolished what was apparently a critical crime scene. To be sure, I am not saying Mr. Avery was innocent, but, there was clear and convincing evidence, to me, of a massive amount of reasonable doubt which means he is innocent in this country. This is just kind of a blip in the history of the world. 2023 www.postcrescent.com. The county was created in 1836 prior to Wisconsin's statehood and organized in 1848. You better hope you have a good PR team handy. At the end of the day, despite whispers and worries of townspeople, the cover-up was successful. I think if it documented everything correctly and wouldnt have downplayed some of the key points, the response would have been totally different. I could see him getting a dog or two and maybe becoming a rancher. Her criticism echoed thatof other residents, and the prosecutor and law enforcement involved in the case. Oct. 18, 2018. I used to think of cranes when I heard the name Manitowoc, not anymore. "The Wrecking Crew" takes a deeper look into Kathleen Zellner's legal process. Id run the grave risk of being arrested for arson and armed robbery before my tank was filled with gasoline. The crime lab, however, was not called immediately. Such a deviation from established protocol when collecting evidence of a crime is a strong indication of BAD FAITH, in this case the destruction / fabrication of evidence. Plight of the Accused 63m Steven is back in jail, charged with murder, but there are troubling questions about how he was arrested and why. Its for entertainment purposes and to make money off of. But I hope that one day you will perhaps feel the embarrassment and shame that your families will feel and then maybe you will begin to understand that what you do has an (effect) on others. On Pg. Petersen is also on record casually discussing how murdering Steven Avery would be preferable to framing him, a remarkable statement about an extrajudicial killing from the County's top law enforcement officer - a statement both the defense and filmmakers said deeply troubled them. And although it's a big topic of conversation, she said, most people here are talking about the documentary itself, notdebating whether the men actually committed the crime. Among other things, Petersen told reporters Steven "could be a con man" (false and inflammatory) that he burned a cat alive (false and inflammatory) and that if he wasn't convicted of Teresa's murder he would kill AGAIN (speculative and inflammatory). Former Manitowoc County Sheriff Kenneth Petersen, who arrested Steven Avery, the subject of the documentary series, "Making a Murderer," 31 years ago for rape in 1985, admits he heard about a phone call in 1995 that some say could possibly have cleared Avery of the rape charge. But then, all of a sudden, the crime lab declared nothing was found, and everyone went home. Reddit and its partners use cookies and similar technologies to provide you with a better experience. How did they do it this time? Your department is a JOKE. 3. As for Bushman, he was involved in a questionable single car collision in Sept of 1989. The series explores many collateral matters, while the book zeroes-in on suspects and motives for the murder, which was not a focal point in the series.". Halbachs cell phone and camera were found burnt in a burn barrel. In this THREE PART series of posts I will explore information about the troubling history of Manitowoc County Sheriff's Department as revealed by Jxxx Ferak in his book, "Wrecking Crew: Demolishing the Case Against Steven Avery". The first post appeared on Dec. 21, a few days after the release of Making a Murderer., Then it kind of snowballed from there, said Amy Meyer, historical society executive director. "A burial site discovered and cleared by Manitowoc County the day before bones were found in Steven's burn pit by Manitowoc County? Kocourek wouldn't easily forget such a favor. At this time, no further follow-up will need to be done.". In a notice of promotion (to Lieutenant) Kocourek said of Bushman (Pg. While Manitowoc County was supposed to have minimal involvement in the case, several deputies, including Andrew Colborn and James Lenk, helped find crucial evidence. "You should be ashamed of yourself and the crooked department you run. If these. LETTER: Lt.Andrew Colborn fires back at"Making a Murderer" critic, LETTER: Sheriff Rob Hermann urges letter writer to do more research, LETTER: Manitowoc politician calls emails "borderline threatening.". The state's role in a criminal investigation is to collect all available evidence strictly according to established protocols and procedures, so that as few questions as possible could be raised about the integrity of the case. Yellow S. Las Vegas, NV 15 19 2/25/2023 Corrupt police department. Hundreds of emails sent to Hermann and other county officials in December and Januarywere recently turned over to the USA TODAY NETWORK-Wisconsin to comply with a public records request. What did that man ever do to you people? If skeptics of Avery's alleged innocence reads The Wrecking Crew, what do you hope they take away from it? "Is the county going to do this heinous act just because of a dollar amount?" Ferak is not a fan of either, but specifically notes that Kocourek's legacy with the Sheriffs Department was one synonymous with crookedness and corruption (Pg. Unfortunately threats and intimidation are often effective. 78). This presented a problem for the department because Hermann had already informed the press the striking vehicle was an older Chevy or Van, definitely not a newer vehicle (wink wink). Now, a Netflix series has put it on the map. Undersheriff in 2005; Sheriff by the time Avery stood trial in 2007 as well as upon release of MAM in 2015. One of the world's worst mothers, Barb Tadych, Brendan Dassey's mother, is featured in the Emmy-winning documentary, Making a Murderer. The image of the Manitowoc County Sheriff's Department took a major hit afterlastDecember's release of "Making a Murderer" on Netflix, andSheriff Rob Hermann isstillstrugglingtoovercomeperception problems generated by the docu-series. Now the boys had to come up with a way to reasonably dismiss these newly found car parts as being totally unrelated to Ricky's death, and as we can see below, it's painfully clear they were not up to the task (Pg. The Manitowoc Sheriff's Department is known as a northern style "good ole boy" network that would rival the KKK counties in the south, complete with a lot of false arrests and arrogant, poorly trained and disciplined deputies. Ferak claims to have spoken to many former MCSD employees who said Petersen was driving way over the limit through the fog in a reckless manner. The Manitowoc County Sheriff's Department may not like accusations it framed Steven Avery for murder in Netflix's " Making A Murderer ," but that hasn't stopped loads of . The docu-series, released Dec. 18, dissects the homicide cases against Steven Avery and his nephew, Brendan Dassey. "He immediately became red around the face [] The desired response was received and the redness in his face indicated he was embarrassed, at that point indicating he himself had discussed the rumor.". The charges against Avery in 2005 drew national attention. County for hiswrongful conviction PR team handy you and having you as my right-hand man downplayed., despite whispers and worries of townspeople, the crime lab, however, was not called.... My kids in the case of manitowoc county corruption tank was filled with gasoline technologies. Only connection to knowing anything about Manitowoc is Netflix and then going on social.... 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