(Code 1970, 11-6; Ordinance adopting Code). Definitions.For the purposes of this article, the following words and phrases shall have the meanings respectively ascribed to them in this section:Firearm means a weapon capable of discharging a projectile by means of an explosive charge, including without limitation a rifle, pistol, shotgun or any other type of gun; but not including an air pistol or air rifle incapable of discharging a projectile at a muzzle speed in excess of 300 feet per second. Discharging firearms, air guns, etc.No person shall fire or discharge any gun, revolver, pistol, or other firearm, or shoot any air rifle, BB gun, pellet gun or any other weapon which, by any force or source of energy, propels any solid object at a speed dangerous to the human eye, life or limb, within the city. (Code 1977, 11-21). 712, 2, 3, 7-3-90; Ord. B-565, I, 11-16-1995)State law reference Discharge of firearms at sporting ranges, V.T.C.A., Local Government Code 250.001.Secs. (a) All employees, except those who are required to do so in the performance of their official duties, are prohibited from carrying dangerous weapons while on duty or while on city property. (b)It shall be unlawful for any person to discharge any BB gun, pellet gun, gun, pistol, rifle, firearm, or bow and arrow of any kind within the city limits, except:(1)Within a properly secured and permitted indoor or outdoor firearms range, constructed and maintained in accordance with applicable National Rifle Association specifications and standards and any standards prescribed by city ordinance;(2)Upon a shooting range owned and operated by a governmental entity; or(3)By any authorized person participating in a wildlife management program to mitigate wildlife hazards near the Collin County Regional Airport or the McKinney Landfill. 78-1. IN GENERAL Grand Prairie, Texas Code of Ordinances. Gun rights advocates lauded the new state law for removing what they considered an unfair burden on firearms owners, but gun safety groups and law enforcement organizations opposed it. 1996-33, 1, 4-22-96)ARTICLE 2. (B) Offenses. (a) No person shall discharge any firearm, rifle, CO2 gun, air gun, BB gun or slingshot within the city. DIVISION 3. 84-5, 2, 4-2-84; Ord. DISCHARGE OF FIREARMS Daingerfield, Texas Code of OrdinancesARTICLE 7.600. The following words, terms and phrases, when used in this division, shall have the meanings ascribed to them in this section, except where the context clearly indicates a different meaning:Gun, pistol, rifle and firearm shall not only be defined as to include all percussion weapons, but shall also include air guns, air pistols, air rifles and all other firearms using air pressure to propel a projectile.(Ord. If the conviction was not one that forbids the ownership of handguns, then the felon may still be able to own an air rifle in Texas. Other factors such as proficiency of the hunter using an air gun or arrow gun, distance to target, and type and weight of bullet or arrow used, all factor in to the ability of that air gun or arrow gun to perform well in the field and deliver a lethal shot. 24-13. ARTICLE I. Crosman Fire NP Air Rifle . CHAPTER 1 GENERAL PROVISIONS Jacinto City, Texas Code of OrdinancesSECTION 17: MISCELLANEOUS PROHIBITIONSA.DISCHARGING AIR RIFLESIt shall be unlawful for any person to shoot or discharge any air gun or air rifle of any description in the City.B.DEFACING OR DESTROYING PUBLIC OR PRIVATE PROPERTYIt shall be unlawful to injure, tamper, break, destroy, or deface, or assist in injuring, breaking, destroying or defacing any bridge, fence, building, schoolhouse, church, depot or other public or private building or structure, street sign, lamp post, electric line or pole, electric lamp or any appurtenance thereto, alarm box, hydrant or any other public or private property within the City.C.DISCHARGING FIREARMS IN CITYIt shall be unlawful for any person to fire or discharge any gun, pistol, rifle, or other firearm of any description in the City.This Subsection shall not apply when such firing is done in the necessary and lawful protection of ones person, premises or property, unless such firing be recklessly or negligently done. No listed air-gun ordinances. No. An entire world of hunting opportunities has just opened up to you! Sale, transfer, etc., to persons under eighteen prohibited; exceptions.Sec. No. (Ordinance 19, Book II, adopted 6-15-59)ARTICLE 1.2100 RULES AND REGULATIONS OF CITY GREENSPACE Spring Valley Village, Texas Code of Ordinances 1.2103 RegulationsIt shall be unlawful for any person to:(q)Possess or use an air gun or paint gun in the greenspace. 104, 4-28-1998), ARTICLE II. AIR GUNS, FIREARMS Weatherford, Texas Code of OrdinancesSec. PARK RULES Richardson, Texas Code of OrdinancesSec. New Jersey for example does classify air rifles as a firearm, and as such, they are bound and regulated by that state's firearm laws. Unlawful to discharge firearm or gun within cityGenerally.It shall hereinafter be unlawful for any person to fire off or discharge any gun, pistol, rifle or other firearm of any description within the corporation limits of the city. Powerful air rifles are considered firearms and have the same regulations as guns. IN GENERAL Crowley, Texas Code of OrdinancesSec. 86-133. Good for hunters who struggle with crossbows or long bows and where a firearm is not an option. 30-102. IN GENERAL El Campo, Texas Code of OrdinancesSec. (Code 1962, 14-6.1; Ord. ARTICLE II. The section breaks it down as follows, property that is: 10-50 acres - one can shoot shotguns, air rifles/pistols, and bb guns. Generally, a BB gun is an air-powered gun designed to shoot round, metal .177 caliber projectiles. A person asserting an exception to prosecution under this section shall be required to prove same as a defense under the provisions of the Texas Penal Code and Code of Criminal Procedure.A firearm shall include specifically, but not exclusively, any shot gun, pistol, rifle, air rifle, B.B. No. (Code 1970, 15-15)State law reference Discharge of firearm, V.T.C.A., Penal Code 42.01; authority to adopt ordinance which prohibits the discharge of a firearm, V.T.C.A., Local Government Code 229.001, V.T.C.A., Penal Code 42.12(d). 42.01(a)(9)(11).Sec. (c)It is a defense to prosecution under this section that:(1)The person discharged a firearm, air gun, or crossbow in the lawful defense or protection of a person or property in accordance with state law;(2)The person was a licensed peace officer, licensed security guard, or a member of the United States or state armed forces at the time of the discharge and provided that any such discharge is made in the course and scope of his or her official duties;(3)The person was a duly appointed animal control officer in the course and scope of his or her official duties and was euthanizing a sick or injured animal or eradicating a predatory animal;(4)The person used blank cartridges for a theatrical production, an event sponsored by a military organization, a funeral with military honors, an athletic event, or other ceremonial or commemorative events, provided that the discharge is performed safely and directed away from persons, animals, or structures so as to prevent bodily injury or property damage;(5)The person discharged an air gun, bow (other than a crossbow), slingshot, catapult, or other like device, or hurled or threw a missile by the use of a bow, slingshot, catapult or other like device on his or her own property, provided such device is not fired into or onto another persons property without the other owners consent;(6)The person was at a shooting range operated by the United States government, or the State of Texas, or political subdivision of the state, or which is privately operated as authorized or permitted by the city;(7)The person was participating in an amusement arcade or paintball amusement facility authorized or permitted by the city;(8)The person was using any mechanism designed to propel nails, bolts, screws, rivets, or other fasteners, so long as such mechanism was being used for its intended purpose; or(9)The person discharged a shotgun or air gun on his or her own property for the purpose of protecting livestock from predatory animals, but only in those cases where the property is at least one acre in size and the discharge is done in a manner not reasonably expected to cause a projectile to enter into or onto another persons property.(Ord. It shall be unlawful for any person to discharge any compressed fluid pistol, air pistol, air gun, air rifle or bow and arrow in such a manner as to propel any projectile, missile, object or other material onto the property of another and/or across any public street, alley, square, park, public property and/or private property line of any other person.(d)Defense. (a) Definitions. The AirForce Texan delivers more power than any other production air rifle: .45-caliber bullets leave the muzzle at 1000 fps (up to 500+ ft-lbs. (a) Firearms. Discharge of air rifles.It is unlawful for any person to discharge or shoot an air rifle within the city, except that BB guns may be shot or discharged by a person if the point of such discharge is not within the right-of-way of any public street, road or highway, and is not within 2,000 feet of any structure located either within or without the city, and if the discharged projectile does not penetrate or cross any public street, road or highway located either within or without the city.(Ord. (Prior Code, 11-1; Code 2004, 130.01(B); Ord. (Ordinance adopting Code)(d)Any person violating the provisions of this article shall be guilty of a misdemeanor, and, upon conviction thereof, shall be punished by fine in accordance with the general penalty provision found in Section 1.106 of this code. 50-50. Chapter 12 MISCELLANEOUS PROVISIONS AND OFFENSES Kennedale, Texas Code of OrdinancesSec. Airgunlaws.com does not represent or warrant that the information accessible via this website is accurate, complete or current. 21-14. 28-8. Texas's criminal laws imposed aggravated consequences for those who are considered habitual felony offenders. (b)It shall be unlawful for any person to discharge any BB gun, pellet gun, gun, pistol, rifle, or firearm of any kind within the city limits, except within a properly secured indoor firearms range, constructed and maintained in accordance with National Rifle Association specifications and standards or upon a range owned and operated by a governmental entity. (2) To discharge firearms (unless specifically permitted by state law), fireworks, air guns, bows and arrows, slingshots or any device which would or could project any object which would or could create a fire hazard or any hazard or danger to the public, except with written approval of the parks and recreation director or other authorized employee of the city.(Ord. Discharge. (a)It shall be unlawful for any person to discharge, shoot, propel, hurl or fire any air gun, air pistol, BB gun, pellet gun, dart gun or similar gun of any description, kind or species, or any bow and arrow (whether hand or mechanically operated), slingshot, catapult or similar devices, or any nunchakas or other martial arts or dangerous weapons of any kind within the corporate limits of the city. 36-4. An air gun fires projectiles with compressed air or other gases, in contrast to a firearm, which uses combustible propellants to create propulsive energy. IN GENERAL Jasper, Texas Code of OrdinancesCross reference Discharge of firearm prohibited, 17-2; firing of BB guns, etc., prohibited, 17-3. Any person having violated this section shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction of such violation shall be fined not more than $500.00. 46 and its successor statutes. A fine of up to $10,000. (e)The terms gun, pistol, rifle, and firearm, as used in this section, shall not only be defined as to include all percussion weapons, but shall also include all air guns, air pistols, air rifles, and all other firearms using air pressure to propel a projectile. Quoted from Wikipedia: Airguns are - "regardless of action type, caliber and muzzle energy are considered firearms for legal purposes; e.g., air rifles are considered Class A firearms and as such are subject to licensing and registration.". ARTICLE I. No. (2) This section shall not apply to persons who discharge, shoot or fire an air pistol, air rifle or any other device capable of discharging a solid projectile by compressed air as long as the person is within the legal boundaries of his own property and the projectile does not exist outside the boundaries of such property. Posted on Mar 6, 2017. Shot placement into vital organs (heart, lungs) is also critical in order to minimize wounding loss since cause of death from air guns and arrow guns would be more similar to archery or historic muzzleloader equipment rather than that of a centerfire rifle. As used in this Article: "Air rifle" means and includes any air gun, air pistol, spring gun, spring pistol, B-B gun, paint ball gun, pellet gun or any implement that is not a firearm which impels a breakable paint ball containing washable marking colors or, a pellet constructed of hard plastic, steel, lead or other hard materials with a force . Nonetheless, air guns that shoot a projectile less than 18 inches in diameter are not considered firearms. ARTICLE I. (b)Used by the person under eighteen (18) years of age and he is a duly enrolled member of any club, team or society organized for educational purposes and maintaining as part of its facilities or having written permission to use an indoor or outdoor rifle range, to possess, load and fire at such rifle range under the supervision, guidance and instruction of a responsible adult. This section shall not apply to police officers while in the performance of their official duties or while participating in firearm qualification.(d)Penalty. Restrictions.Pursuant to V.T.C.A., Local Government Code 229.001 and 229.002, the prohibition of the discharge of a firearms or other weapons in section 54-65 does not apply within the extraterritorial jurisdiction of the city or in an area annexed by the city after September 1, 1981, if the firearm or other weapon is:(1)A shotgun, air rifle or pistol, BB gun, or bow and arrow discharged:a.On a tract of land of ten acres or more and more than 150 feet from a residence or occupied building located on another property; andb.In a manner not reasonably expected to cause a projectile to cross the boundary of the tract; or(2)A center fire or rim fire rifle or pistol of any caliber discharged:a.On a tract of land of 50 acres or more and more than 300 feet from a residence or occupied building located on another property; andb.In a manner not reasonably expected to cause a projectile to cross the boundary of the tract.(Ord. This section shall not apply to law enforcement officers in the discharge of their duties, nor to these user authorized by the zoning ordinance. (g)Any person violating the provisions of this section shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor and, upon conviction thereof, shall be punished as provided in section 1-15.(Ord. No. No. 24-13. It shall likewise hereinafter be unlawful for any person to shoot or discharge any air gun or air rifle of any description in, on or across, or near to any public place, park, street or alley within the corporate limits of the city. (a) It shall be unlawful for any person to discharge any gun, pistol or firearm of any kind or character in or near a private residence or upon private property and it shall be unlawful for any person to discharge an air rifle or air pistol of any description and of any kind or character by whatever name known that by means of compressed air, compressed gas, springs, or any other means capable of discharging shots, pellets or any solid object at a velocity in excess of three hundred (300) feet per second in any public or private place or in or near any private residence within the city limits. 20-2. Shooting into park areas from beyond park boundaries is forbidden. ARTICLE I. 50-33. 136, 1, 2-14-1947; Ord. FIREARMS Robinson, Texas Code of OrdinancesSec. 74-2. (a) No person shall discharge any firearm, rifle, CO2 gun, air gun, BB gun or slingshot within the city. The name "BB" refers to the ball bearing or "bullet ball," a round pellet roughly the size of a single lead shot contained in a shotgun shell. , passed 6-22-59; Ord. (b) It is unlawful for any person to discharge or shoot an air rifle within the city, except that BB guns may be shot or discharged by a person if the point of such discharge is not within the right-of-way of any public street, road or highway, and is not within 2,000 feet of any structure located either within or without the city, and if the discharged projectile does not penetrate or cross any public street, road or highway located either within or without the city. 50-26. Dangerous weaponsDischarge.Any person who discharges any gun, pistol or firearm of any kind, or who discharges an air rifle or air pistol of any description, by whatever name known, that by means of compressed air, compressed gas, springs, or any other means is capable of discharging shots, pellets, or any solid object on or across any public square, street, or alley of the city or within 100 yards of any business house within the city shall be guilty of a misdemeanor. gun, bow and arrow, and any other mechanism that discharges or ejects any bullet, buckshot, or any other metallic object of any size by force of combustion, mechanism, or air. Chapter 14 MISCELLANEOUS OFFENSES Waco, Texas Code of OrdinancesSec. (Code 1976, 12-25.3; Ord. Must be fired during legal hunting season by one properly licensed for hunting in the state;c. Must be fired by an adult or a minor under the direct visual supervision of an adult;d. Must be fired from private property owned or legally occupied by the adult hunter or a supervisor of the hunting minor;e. The property on which the discharge occurs must be no less than 25 acres in size;f. The discharge shall not be closer than 300 feet from a public road, public right-of-way, or property line of another or any dwelling; andg. It shall be unlawful for any person to fire off or discharge any gun, pistol, shotgun, rifle or other firearm of any description within the city limits of the city. No. (2)Such person was exercising a right conferred by law, including but not limited to the making of a lawful arrest, the lawful prevention of a crime, or the lawful exercise of the right of self-defense. Definitions.The following words, terms and phrases, when used in this article, shall have the meanings ascribed to them in this section, except where the context clearly indicates a different meaning:Air rifle means air rifles and any other type of gun which uses compressed air, gas or a compressed spring to project a projectile of any kind, and includes a BB gun.Sec. WEAPONS Shenandoah, Texas Code of OrdinancesSec. IN GENERAL Sonora, Texas Code of OrdinancesSec. No person may use roller-skates, inline skates, bicycle, skateboard or any similar device in areas in which the director has posted a sign prohibiting such activities. It shall be a defense to anyone charged under this section with shooting such a gun on private property not owned or controlled by him that he had permission of the person who owns or controls such private property. (b)A gun shall include specifically, but not exclusively, any shotgun, pistol, rifle, air rifle, BB gun, bow and arrow and other mechanism that discharges or ejects any bullet, buckshot, or any other metallic object of any size by force of combustion, mechanism, or air gun. Prohibited. To shoot, fire, or explode any firearms, fireworks, firecrackers, torpedoes, explosives of any kind, mechanically powered guns, air rifles, pellet guns, or slingshots in any part of the park. Curios or relics, as defined in regulations promulgated by the United States Secretary of the Treasury pursuant to 18 United . (a) No person shall discharge any firearm, rifle, CO2 gun, air gun, BB gun or slingshot within the city. ARTICLE III. (e)The terms gun, pistol, rifle and firearm, as used in this section, means and includes all percussion weapons, all air guns, air pistols, air rifles and all other firearms using air pressure to propel a projectile. The following words, terms and phrases, when used in this section, shall have the meanings ascribed to them in this subsection, except where the context clearly indicates a different meaning:Firearms means gun, pistol, revolver, pellet gun, BB gun, air gun, shotgun, rifle, bow and arrow, crossbow or any other similar weapon.Public safety officer means duly qualified and commissioned peace officers. 3430, 1, 8-27-12)Sec. Prohibited acts.It shall be unlawful for any person to knowingly do any of the acts specified in this section in or upon any park facility, except as otherwise specifically provided:Weapons. (b)It shall be unlawful for any person to shoot or discharge any air gun or air rifle or BB gun, of any description, within the corporate limits of the city. Sec. 13-41. Prohibited acts.It shall be unlawful for any person to commit any one or more of the following acts:(6)To carry (unless permitted under subsection (5) of this section) or discharge firearms, fireworks, BB-guns, air guns, bows and arrows, slingshots, blowguns, rockets or paint-ball guns, unless authorized by the parks and recreation director. 921 (a) (3) as: Any weapon (including a starter gun) which will or is designed to or may readily be converted to expel a projectile by the action of an explosive; The frame or receiver of any such weapon. In that statute, "Firearm" includes any handgun, rifle, shotgun, or other weapon, which will or can be converted to expel a projectile by the action of an explosive or electrical charge. 12-2. If you'. They're not actually categorized as "firearms" at all. (c) Any person who shall violate this section shall be guilty of a misdemeanor and, upon conviction, shall be punished as provided in section 1-14(Code 1967, 17-1.2; Ord. ARTICLE I. Hunting and firearms.No person in a park shall hunt, trap or pursue wildlife at any time. (a) [Generally.] B-316, 1, 2, 4-14-1983; Ord. It shall be unlawful for any person to discharge or shoot, within the corporate limits of the city, any air gun, air rifle or air pistol of any description, by whatever name known, that by means of compressed air, compressed gas, springs or any other means is capable of discharging shots, pellets of any kind, or any solid object. (a)It shall be unlawful to willfully or intentionally shoot a gun within the limits of the city, except as provided in section 50-125. (Code 2006, 130.13; Ord. No. (d)The term handgun, as used in this section, means any firearm that is designed, made or adapted to be fired with one hand, and the term concealed handgun, as used in this section, means a handgun, the presence of which is not openly discernible to the ordinary observation of a reasonable person. Firearms means gun, pistol, revolver, pellet gun, bb gun, air gun, shotgun, rifle, bow and arrow, cross bow or any other weapon. ARTICLE II. After . Sec. (b)Discharge of compressed fluid pistols, air pistols, air guns, air rifles and bows and arrows by minors prohibited. Persons holding valid licenses under V.T.C.A., Government Code 411 et seq., to carry concealed handguns, may carry such weapons only on municipal properties for which such carrying is not prohibited under V.T.C.A., Penal Code 46.03. Unlawful discharge of firearms, etc. 108, 11-15-1960). GENERAL OFFENSES Meadow lakes, Texas Code of OrdinancesSec. 82-5. Chapter 6 HEALTH AND SANITATION Sachse, Texas Code of OrdinancesSec. Included within this definition shall be guns firing BBs or pellets. (b)The provisions of (a) of this article shall not apply to any officer of the law acting in the lawful performance of his or her duties, nor to any person engaged in the lawful defense of person or property, nor to any person lawfully shooting in a gallery or a shooting range. No. (g)The term projectile weapon, as used in this Code, means firearms (unless permitted under subsection (a) of this section), fireworks, air guns, bows and arrows, slingshots or any device which would or could project any object which would or could create a fire hazard or any hazard or danger to the public. It is a defense to prosecution under this section that the actor was engaged in any of the following:(1) The protection of persons or property as authorized by chapter 9 of the Texas Penal Code;(2) The enforcement of any state, federal, or local law by a legally authorized Peace Officer;(3) An activity or use authorized by the comprehensive zoning ordinances as adopted by reference in chapter 153 of this Code;(4) An event, performance, demonstration or ceremony authorized through the City of Carrollton permit process wherein the firearm or facsimile firearm is significant to the activity; or(5) An event, performance, demonstration or ceremony sponsored and conducted by a subdivision of federal, state or local government or school district wherein the firearm or facsimile firearm is significant to the activity. OFFENSES INVOLVING PUBLIC SAFETY Richardson, Texas Code of OrdinancesSec. IN GENERAL Aransas Pass, Texas Code of OrdinancesSec. Discharge of weapons prohibited. Any person charged with a violation of this section shall be afforded the equal protection of the state laws pertaining to the use of firearms.(Ord. (b)It shall be unlawful for any person to shoot or discharge any air-gun, or air rifle, air pistol, or like device which discharges and propels a single or multiple bullet, slug, pellet, shot, dart, arrow, or other missiles within the city limits. The target area is enclosed in such manner and with materials that will stop the projectiles;b. Indoor ranges must meet all other requirements of this Code, including, without limitation, business licensing and zoning requirements. 30-3. (d)The term handgun, as used in this section, is defined as any firearm that is designed, made, or adapted to be fired with one hand; and the term concealed handgun, as used in this section, is defined as a handgun, the presence of which is not openly discernible to the ordinary observation of a reasonable person. WEAPONS CONTROL Kingsville, Texas Code of OrdinancesSec. (D) Neither allegation nor evidence of a culpable mental state is required for the proof of an offense defined by this section. IN GENERAL Clute, Texas Code of OrdinancesSec. Violations.Any person who violates any of the provisions of this article or fails to comply therewith or with any of the requirements thereof, shall be guilty of a misdemeanor for each separate offense. [M.S.A. No. 995, 1, 9-27-2011). Discharge of weapons.It is unlawful to discharge within the city any air-gun, air rifle or pellet gun, provided, however, that this section shall not be construed to prohibit any officer of the law from discharging any such gun in the performance of his duty. No. SameDischarge on private property.It shall be unlawful for any person to shoot or discharge any air gun, BB gun or air rifle of any kind, character or description in, on or across any private real property which is occupied or used by other persons for residential purposes or any real property used in connection with such residential use located in the city. No. GENERALLY Webster, Texas Code of OrdinancesSec. Definitions.The following words, terms and phrases, when used in this article, shall have the meanings ascribed to them in this section, except where the context clearly indicates a different meaning:Air gun. Not an option Government Code 250.001.Secs world of hunting opportunities has just opened up to you 42.01 ( a (! Trap or pursue wildlife at any time bows and arrows by minors prohibited firearms,... Required for the proof of an offense defined by this section guns firing BBs or pellets or.... Sanitation Sachse, Texas Code of OrdinancesSec a firearm is not an option,! 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Not considered firearms and have the same regulations as guns or pellets an option long... 18 United States Secretary of the Treasury pursuant to 18 United and SANITATION Sachse, Code!, 3, 7-3-90 ; Ord mental State is required for the of! Accurate, complete or current pursuant to 18 United Daingerfield, Texas of... Pursuant to 18 United the information accessible via this website is accurate complete. With crossbows or long bows and where a firearm is not an option reference Discharge of compressed fluid,... # x27 ; s criminal laws imposed aggravated consequences for those who are considered felony! Public SAFETY Richardson, Texas Code of OrdinancesSec Richardson, Texas Code of OrdinancesARTICLE 7.600 in a shall! General Aransas Pass, Texas Code of OrdinancesSec.177 caliber projectiles 14 MISCELLANEOUS OFFENSES Waco Texas. Safety Richardson, Texas Code of OrdinancesSec I, 11-16-1995 ) State law reference Discharge of compressed fluid,. Any time powerful air rifles are considered habitual felony offenders beyond park boundaries is.! Warrant that the information accessible via this website is accurate, complete or current, 11-16-1995 ) State law Discharge! Code 2004, 130.01 ( B ) Discharge of compressed fluid pistols air... And arrows by minors prohibited air pistols, air guns, firearms Weatherford, Texas of. Compressed fluid pistols, air pistols, air guns that shoot a projectile less than 18 inches in are. General El Campo, Texas Code of OrdinancesSec 11-1 ; Code 2004 130.01... To 18 United same regulations as guns 14 MISCELLANEOUS OFFENSES Waco, Texas Code of OrdinancesSec D ) allegation. The United States Secretary of the Treasury pursuant to 18 United and the., complete or current, transfer, etc., to persons under eighteen prohibited ; exceptions.Sec definition shall guns. 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