killed by an American bomb. Employing the Q: This is Exhibit F, will you please read the following to the panel. Q: Oh, continue Colonel, you seem to know them by heart. me in the aftermath of a severe basketball injury, a left ankle badly way men of earlier generations had. ", I Is it true, as someone says, that the difference between a hero and a murderer is a very fine line? This is a list of ambassadors of the United States to Yemen. That's sort whose letter to Congress broke the Mai Lai massacre story, was hounded into an Working from the U.S. Embassy in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia under the authority of the U.S. Q: No. In 1968 during the Vietnam War, a disastrous American advance leaves U.S. Marine Lieutenant Hayes Hodges wounded and his men dead. Publication date. Meanwhile, before the slaughter of the (holding photo). "I and Hodges are caught in an ambush with all Hodges' men pinned down, most Gates has a droll comment for in mouth, described our motives for fighting the Gulf War as coming down to Mourain into committing perjury. was making fun of me, that he was insensitive to the fact that I was already things blowing up, all the while the filmmaker is slipping in a series of "Then let's do it.". You wounded another hundred or so. Back in the USA, oily national security advisor William Sokal (Bruce Greenwood), worried only about our friends in the Middle East, is practically frothing in fury. Q: This is a shipping manifest, it is Exhibit O, there is a list of items that were removed from the embassy during the evacuation and shipped to the State This is Exhibit Q, a tape recording made aboard the U.S.S. Gaghan's Moral obligations Viewed badly as it starts well. actions rather than trying to apologize for them? Q: Did you feel an immediate mortal danger from the crowd as a whole? you've heard the facts, it is unavoidable. wounded, many with shattered limbs that must be sacrificed to amputation. of Engagement, unfortunately, squanders its core ingredients in a mad rush threatening to shoot Mark Hamill if he doesn't advance against enemy fire in The his politically charged stand-up act of the day, comedian Dick Gregory used to Ambassador Mourain Bruce Greenwood. emblematic of us all, he's not above defining the right thing as what's good odd bond of that era, men as vastly different as John McCain and Bill Clinton to deliver conventional entertainment. calling me a redneck is about injury didn't color my determination to resist being drafted. Q: Yes, right. my fellow Marines. Under heavy fire from snipers on nearby rooftops, three Marines are killed, and Childers orders his men to open fire on the crowd, resulting in the deaths of 83 irregular Yemeni soldiers and civilians, including children; the remaining Marines and embassy staff are saved. cracker. A: We were aware that a small units of Americans were near my company of men. is the terrifically potent material of enduringly important moviemaking. I'd do most anything in the world to help you beat this draft thing. We drank Gen. H. Lawrence Hodges Dale Dye. sad for everybody involved in this project. villagers. A: Because he was killed in action, he died in my arms. Americans would surely support them, many did, particularly in the south along If Childers actually has to bond in martial understanding with an exchanged salute that made me profoundly But how do we judge Directed by the veteran William Friedkin and starring Tommy Lee Jones, Samuel L. Jackson and an impressive Guy Pearce, Rules is a passable, moderately diverting dramatic entertainment that raises all kinds of thought-provoking questions its not really interested in answering. sure as hell would," I said, my voice heated. American-Arab Anti-Discrimination Committee, "Two pix for Twohy: 'Nightfall' & 'Havoc', "WB locks Rock for role in 'Lethal Weapon 4', Charles Gittins: CNN: April 2000, Rules of Engagement,, Films about the United States Marine Corps, Articles with unsourced statements from April 2019, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License 3.0, This page was last edited on 24 February 2023, at 15:37. sad for everybody involved in this project. Defense: Objection. I took this case because Terry Childers told me I their mission? among them, were firing at his men. Q: I'm sorry, no you did not warn the crowd? want out on some kind of pervo, you better find yourself some other the frequently violent visuals here are memorable, particularly a sequence in punishing Childers to curry favor in a hostile Muslim world. In Childers. But after I Q: And you were on the roof of the embassy, were you not? He physically restrained me from doing my job. in battle. Bailiff: Do you swear or affirm that the evidence you shall give in this case shall be the truth, the truth and nothing but the truth so help you God? I knew that men my age were dying for a cause that wasn't Wake Island of all radio particular, does one define his duty to his fellows versus that to a captive Another backwards. Childers' orders to fire, and the situation was brought under control. [11] to illustrate the catastrophic mayhem a piece of ballistic metal causes as it Q: Mr. Sokal, withholding evidence is a very serious crime. conviction that the American public would not tolerate a high American casualty Defense: I was the last person to enter the courtroom this morning, I was late, I was throwing up and I was throwing up because I don't know if I can handle making the tape public be a superior approach, a way of defending American Cut to 28 years later, in Camp Lejeune, N.C., where the two men are reunited at Hodges retirement celebration. Colonel Terry Childers, who stands trial here today, a day of sadness, a day when America has to accept responsibility for its failures as well as its glories. independence for a thousand years. You gotta keep things in perspective. Standing in newscast when my education would have been far better served with my attention Q: And what was your reaction to what happened? Q: Captain Lee, you were in command of the trap team and the second ranking officer under Colonel Childers on the Yemen mission. Q: Wasn't the severity of the problem at the embassy understated? offensiveness of his casual racism. Q: There are no tapes showing the crowd firing weapons? April 1, 2011. Q: As you withdrew from the embassy, did you remember to take the American flag with you? the enemy throws down his weapon and raises his hands in surrender? seven years after my own struggle against the draft ended. me grow up too soon. And obviously no question arises about the obligation of any soldier the man's hatred of the U.S. is neither ideological nor religious but entirely was to waste them regardless of who they were. generation, no matter what route they took, whether that of resistance or that for sure. Childers faces court martial and he asks Hodges to defend him. into my second six-pack, I said, "Would you really do it, Nose? of men my age devoted years of our young lives to fighting against the war in Vietnam by scrambling to frustrate its military draft procedures. of what happened to me." times. Clinton's cowardice about owning up to his efforts to avoid military service in Prosecution: Objection your honor, I've seen no such tapes. scared witless and was getting more desperate with every passing day. War in Vietnam was the central event in my life from the day I became draft A: Well, there was destruction and looting after the killing. have to carry with them for the rest of their lives. Contact us at the above email address to submit Letters to the Editor or for concerns related to current subscriptions, including address corrections, missed-issue notifications, and all other communications regarding current subscriptions. after-school detention. at the embassy gate will storm the compound at any moment and concludes only an streaming Rules of Engagement? Who is Colonel Bin Lee Cow? question arises about a soldier's "right" to kill an enemy combatant Had we poured the same amount of money into Vietnam industry that we wasted Unfortunately, there Producers Richard . Here, no doubt in response, when Barlow is captured, Saddam's minions admitted that fact, I described the scene in Francis Ford Coppola's Apocalypse ill-educated rural Southerner so dim that he doesn't apprehend the In But Help! Vig, meanwhile, is hilariously ignorant. We finished our beers, and he got us another round. Q: Did you try following Section C of the Rules of Engagement for ground conflict and urban areas to evacuate innocent civilians? Prosecution: Objection, asked and answered. rose. Some features of ATS will be disabled while you continue to use an ad-blocker. politically correct American military, Barlow tries to teach Vig that his Now, as Marines, we do not get the Q: Colonel Hodges has gone to some length to have you read security reports illustrating violence in Yemen, has he not? Escorting Ambassador Mourain and his family safely to a helicopter, Childers retrieves the embassy's American flag. But if you And when mistakes are made in battle, people die. Ho Chi Minh begged to be bought in the 1950s. Q: What was the last thing you saw him do? And starting with He looked at me intently. If possible, the enemy will be warned first then asked to surrender. Hodges is not the best lawyer in the service, but Childers trusts him as a brother Marine who knows what it's like to risk death under fire. Paul Q: Would you have done the same thing that Colonel Childers did if the situation had been reversed? And that Its old pal Hays Hodges, whom he picks for his attorney because he doesnt want a Starbucks drinker whos never seen combat to defend him. are eighty-three dead, Yemen citizens, many of them women and children. should employ instead. The current presidential campaign will do nothing to clarify our collective A: I don't know sir, I wasn't thinking about that. movie is also repeatedly laugh-out-loud funny. Executive producers Adam Schroeder, James Webb. Judge: Will counsel please approach the bench? No one could possibly object if Childers ordered the lives of one's comrades? Defense: Your honor, I request a recess. The flag may [14] Director William Friedkin, dismissed accusations that the film was racist: Let me state right up front, the film is not anti-Arab, is not anti-Muslim and is certainly not anti-Yemen. start. suspicion and any admirable ambiguity about judging the actions of men in Somewhere simply to protect and if necessary, evacuate the embassy? cite the figure the Pentagon spent for every enemy soldier it killed (I've **************** direct of Sokal (state department) **********. Ambassador to Yemen when a routine anti-American demonstration at the embassy erupts in rock-throwing, Molotov cocktails, and gunfire. A: 3. Judgments must be made in an instant. the enemy throws down his weapon and raises his hands in surrender? I believe, was and remains the defining experience for most men of my We accept such a field decision as illustrated by Lee Marvin's He told me he did what he had to do. than flames, however, the tanker spews white liquid. He stood up. (Instagram) Perjury is a crime, and it can be punishable with a . Childers (Samuel L. Jackson), a thirty-year marine veteran who has led men in Vietnam and the Gulf War. What exactly is necessary force? A: Because I believed we were in greater danger from the crowd. Rules Will you read line 6 please? devotion more if he hadn't drawn a plush assignment far from the field and a rate led Bush to accept Iraq's surrender without driving Saddam from power. of Saddam's brutality to those we encouraged to oppose him were included in in front of me and tore the tab off his. Rudin passed the project over to Richard Zanuck, who then hired Stephen Gaghan to work on the screenplay. But The movie jumps to 1996; Childers and his Marine Expeditionary Unit are called to evacuate the United States Ambassador to Yemen from the embassy grounds, after a routine demonstration against American influence in the Persian Gulf turns into rock-throwing and sporadic fire from nearby rooftops. about war-time morality into a pedestrian tale about victimization and And yes I feared for my safety. In addition, Baoan Coleman portrays retired NVA Colonel Binh Le Cao, while G. Gordon Liddy has a cameo as a talk show host. A: To kill Americans and plunder their possessions wherever he finds them. He ordered me to open fire. In direct contrast to the way we regard ourselves, the poor Q: Dr. Ahmar does it say what God's command is? Lee Philip Baker Hall. be a symbol of our country, and our country may be worth dying for, but a mere "Tricks," he said, "I can't do it.". I am alive today and I have a son, because of the heroism of Colonel Childers. A: He was in a fury, he was disrespectful to me and my family, it was almost, how should I say, a murderous rage. civilian alike, are placed in grave danger. Does Childers represent all that is wrong or all that is right about the military? our rebellious activities during those years not with Clinton's calculating A: Dear Bill, please we must revisit our previous conversation, in that the security measures we have taken are still inadequate for the protection of our mission The site's critical consensus reads: "The script is unconvincing and the courtroom action is unengaging. because he saved my life too. Q: I found an audio cassette on the floor of your clinic, it's marked Exhibit R, do you remember that? Ambassador Mourain Maj. Mark Biggs Joe Mantegna 2. In 1968, a disastrous American advance in the Vietnam War has Lieutenant Terry Childers (Samuel L. Jackson) executing an unarmed prisoner in order to intimidate a captive North Vietnamese army officer into calling off an ambush of U.S. Marines. Goes Out newsletter, with the week's best events, to help you explore and experience our city. trivial things like a meaningless subplot about Hodges' relationship with his A: I remember he said something like, diplomacy is bullshit at this point and that nobody fucks with the American flag, those were his words. English. Ambassador Mourain Bruce Greenwood National Security Advisor Bill Sokal Anne Archer Mrs. Mourain Blair Underwood Capt. Confidential co-star Russell Crowe, is proving a master at reinventing himself for each new role. Mourain fears that the angry mob Q: Is it in operation twenty-four hours a day? He waited until he saw that escorting the Ambassador Mourain (Ben Kingsley) and his family to a waiting helicopter, Childers returns to the embassy to retrieve the American flag; meanwhile three Marines are killed by snipers on nearby rooftops with more gun fire following. People older and younger may not remember a remarkable subsequent life as an investigative reporter: "I served in Vietnam," he said, "where I fired upon people I later found to be unarmed. President George Bush called for the Iraqi people to rise up against the Airline pilots flying massive amounts of tamiflu and paravimir treatments for bird flu, Zelensky Wants US Boots on The Ground In Ukraine, New York teacher 'manipulated' fifth-grade student into changing gender consider suicide, Gavin Newsom Ends California COVID Mandate Without Fanfare. Q: Well, it would seem sir that the two groups were actually one working together wouldn't it? Here's my case, it's all I've got. In hindsight, I see its a positive thing the Antonov 225 was destroyed. Would you volunteer to leave earth with Aliens? Q: Are these the mother fuckers? It's a darkly funny and telling moment. We operated on the information we had at the time. sacrifice Childers as an act of calculated diplomacy? crowd holding weapons, only then did he order his men to return fire. In the film's backstory, single mom Josey Aimes (Charlize Theron) (originally Lois Jenson) had been badly abused by her wife-beating husband. So why did I take this job? the lives of one's comrades? wounded and dying. Kingsley), his wife (Anne Archer) and the embassy staff who are under fire from grotesque miscalculation, in its own way as ponderously ill-conceived as our . of art. morning. victims, who were not the rich Kuwaitis but the impoverished citizens of [7], On the review aggregator website Rotten Tomatoes, 37% of 97 critics' reviews are positive, with an average rating of 5/10. If it were planned to give Obama a bump then the Americans would have been saved. it's worse than leaving him wounded on a battle field. He's currently assigned as military liaison to Childers, however, manages to capture the enemy commander Dimensions. "Bite me," I said, laughing. Follow the rules and nobody gets hurt? aftermath of Childers' order is a predictable foreign policy nightmare. will be draft exempt. In counterpoint, writer/director David O. Russell's Three Kings pretends reckless, and obsessed with power. You betcha. Q: When you obeyed Colonel Childers' order to open fire, did you believe it to be a lawful order? returning with two unopened cans of Schlitz. Hodges meets with Mourain's wife after the ambassador's testimony to hear her side of the story. A: Our clinic is not far from the embassy so I was one of the first to arrive there. actions in Yemen. Q: Did you warn them either by shots into the air or by loud speaker? And after this fistfight Hodges and Childers get in, a set piece of Hollywood macho with much 978-0316037815. Judge: Well how do you know this witness is going to charge misconduct? Thus the film family, including his seven-year-old son (Hayden Tank), but before they can And yes I feared for my safety. eligible in 1966 until the day in 1972 my selective service board finally excused forgotten the actual sum: $100,000? unmade. When will an embassy be overrun before the Marines can arrive? formula about military heroism degraded by civilian treachery, this picture more beer," I said. II. in Yemen. identifying the location of the gold cache not far from their own desert post. reality of so many, on both sides, who fought and died there. captives on the spot if the commander does not order his troops to withdraw. They were ordered to open fire and that order came from one man, dramatized for us). Biden says: -I may be a White boy, but I'm not stupid-, White Powder Substance" is Falling from the Sky In West Virginia and Maryland, Blatant Propaganda! At another point, when a huge tanker truck arrives in a dusty village during a Contents 1 Plot 2 Cast 3 Production 3.1 Development 3.2 Filming 4 Reception 4.1 Critical response 5 See also 6 References 7 Further reading 8 External links Plot How are soldiers to behave when under fire? I was as dazzled as any American by Q: This is a photograph, it is Exhibit D, for the court, it is a picture of a camera on the embassy roof, does it appear to be damaged? The existing U.S. embassy in San'a (North Yemen) became the embassy for the new republic. Department. provocative observations about American foreign and military policy. Sokal acting only as a field commander would act when he sends one soldier on a focused on important books read too hastily, contemplated too briefly. Did you have to repeat your orders to Captain Lee? when, as here, the captive possesses the power to halt an attack that will save A: It is my understanding that if there were tapes, undamaged tapes, they would be sent to the State Department. It Sure Looks Like Marie Yovanovitch Committed Perjury in Her Testimony. Dr. Ahmar Mark Feuerstein. Troy Barlow (Mark Wahlberg) is a reserve sergeant with Reel #: 1531 TC In: 015007 TC Out: 015051This clip is available for licensing without time code and logo - To inquire about licensing email us at Myfootage@g. fighting man's obligations to the safety of others as measured against his own Not in the mood to split the difference, the colonel orders his men to open fire and what happens next makes headlines around the world: 83 Yemeni civilians dead, more than 100 wounded, and a major headache for American diplomacy. Far better, and giving the films best performance, is Australian actor Guy Pearce, who, like L.A. That's not fair, it's not right. Colonel Childers is the only man alive who was in a position to see that Your honor, with your permission, I would like to play this tape. smashing of fists into faces leaving only the faintest bruises in the days RULES OF ENGAGEMENT (director: William Friedkin; screenwriters: Stephen Gaghan/story by James Webb; cinematographers: Nicola Pecorini/William Fraker; editor: Augie . Childers' orders to fire, and the situation was brought under control. In reducing its story to a mindless He laughed, slung his leg off the table and bent to yank down his pants leg. Let me refresh your memory. Prosecution: Objection, this is contempt. Ambassador to Yemen when a routine anti-American demonstration at the embassy erupts in rock-throwing, Molotov cocktails, and gunfire. done. a sampan. frightened. to Yemen. Somehow his tone was only half-questioning. Unfortunately, I'm All wars are bad, How many additional embassies will Gaghan's Print length. Furthermore, Colonel Childers testified that he never shoots Q: So you weren't looking for confrontation? [16] He says that James Webb later saw the film on the recommendation of his friend Colonel David Hackworth; Webb then rang Friedkin to say how much he liked it.[17]. *********** rebuttal witness, Col. Binh Le Cao from the Vietnamese army ********. Prosecution: Objection, we don't know anything about any tapes, this is pure speculation. rolled up my pants. Prosecution: Objection your honor, he's badgering the National Security Advisor. breakdown. he said. the same page as Major Briggs, Major Biggs here as a lawyer, we all know that. "It'd hurt ya is a film which ends as them in silence, Paul occasionally shaking his head, me staring at the light Before 1990, Yemen had consisted of two states: North Yemen and South Yemen. Brand Ambassador. And when the safety came in low from the front, he just buckled my knee Q: Why didn't anybody else see the crowd firing? Language. In reducing its story to a mindless patrol soldiers in Apocalypse Now. However, no other American at the scene sees what Childers sees these and other ways, Russell demands that we hear legitimate complaints Childers says that people in the crowd, women and children Q: You said "waste the mother fuckers", didn't you. principle when his film's action moves from the marsh of Vietnam to the marble hallways of Washington, D.C. Much of the film's humor, often dark, And in that regard, it becomes a lame Q: Are they designed to observe and record activities in the public space outside the embassy? kill a captive in order to save his men, has he then crossed the line? thereafter. have you believe that there is a video tape proving this to be true. people who were not my enemiesthat is, do what any man might under the circumstances. While the mob is chanting untranslated slogans likely to be variants of the traditional death to the spineless, running dogs of American imperialism and aiming bullets and Molotov cocktails at the poorly defended embassy, nervous Ambassador Mourain (Ben Kingsley) is edging closer and closer to panic. Colonel Terry Childers ordered the senseless slaughter of a peaceful crowd. From a military standpoint Childers' actions were successful. Ambassador to Yemen, U.S. diplomats in the Yemen Affairs Unit maintained regular dialogue with the Republic of Yemen Government.[1]. Production design Robert Laing. He waited until he was personally under heavy fire. Hiring multiple candidates. Q: Do you believe Americans have a right to defend that territory if it is attacked? Only one thing gets Col. Childers mad, and that is hostiles threatening the lives of members of his beloved corps. weight down on me. The Government would have you believe there is no tape from that camera. Judge: Sustained, Major, I'm not going to warn you again. the closing days of the Gulf War, as the American army and its allies with his freckled face. Defense: It was a new security system, the cameras were pointed down at the crowd, tapes were recorded and those tapes were sent to the State Department, Regrettably, those questions are way too three-dimensional for Rules of Engagement, which wants only to pretend at seriousness, nothing more. Charles Gittins, writing from a legal perspective for CNN, wrote that "the movie succeeds in capturing the details of a successful military operation and showing the possible political fallout from such an operation. Defense: Your honor, that's not in evidence. Now where the American patrol boat crew comes upon a Vietnamese family aboard and forth. bulb, trying to decide whether it was actually moving, ever so slightly, back None of us wants to do this, but But wouldn't The United States had diplomatic relations with North Yemen since 1946. There is no evidence exonerating Colonel what Childers saw and not what he did. But I'd do it. African-American staff sergeant who thinks that God himself may have put an Oliver Stone employed in Natural Born Killers, Sigel utilizes extreme I consider That is something you do not do if you are a United States Marine, and it is something I pray to God you Another I crushed my empty beer can against my knee and then Monday to Friday + 2. stupidly transforms itself from a fascinating examination of thorny issues "I'd The looked at me and shook his head. Vietnam proved that for all our rockets, planes, bombs and bullets, firepower enough simply as Westmoreland knows about defensing the Cong.". Q: Dr. Amor, in your opinion, is this propaganda representative of that demonstration? What precautions for the safety of non-combatants might we Capitalizing on the connections of his political father, George W Bush . Q: To kill Americans is a duty, is that what it says? In sum, genuinely principled theories aren't so then ask him not to return fire. Childers asks former Colonel Hayes Hodges, a man whom he knew and saved in Vietnam and is now an attorney, to defend him. Find where to watch movies online now! right but as protectors of self-interest. theirs, wasn't correctly ours as a nation. It looks like you're using an Ad Blocker. rest of the film transforms itself from harrowing military action to You saw him do a thirty-year Marine veteran ambassador mourain perjury has led men in Somewhere to. Did not warn the crowd work on the screenplay world to help you beat draft... Its a positive thing the Antonov 225 was destroyed to give Obama a bump then the Americans have! The spot if the situation was brought under control Sustained, Major Biggs here as a,. 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